Girl Contractually Agrees To Keep Boyfriend’s Refrigerator Stocked During World Cup, Among Other Rules

He’s a Brit. You can tell by the funny way he spells words, his fanaticism for the English soccer team, and of course his wanting to keep cider stocked in the refrigerator while the games are on. Oh, and a man this crazy for fucking soccer is someone whose life is devoid of American football.

He goes by James Jelly on Twitter, and here’s the contract:

Won’t even hit the pause button for some sex or a mouth jibber. Who does England play? I’m pulling for that team.

[via Twitter]

  1. future kennedy

    Percent chance she bangs his best friend at some point in the next month = 100%

    10 years ago at 2:40 pm
    1. Reaganomics

      I am thoroughly shocked that I’m the first to point out the size of her hands.

      10 years ago at 6:43 pm
    1. eoufratdaddy

      Have only seen this gif posted three times today. Keep it up I’m sure people will like you.

      10 years ago at 2:53 pm