1. prex8390

    faa public database registration shows this plane is owned by bank of america. how much you pay em to stand next to it?

    11 years ago at 9:18 pm
    1. Airlinepilot

      It’s just bank owned.. That’s pretty typical for a lot of private and commercial airplanes.

      11 years ago at 9:59 am
  2. Tuco1855

    Did y’all dress up because you wanted to be classy on the jet or did wherever you were flying require formal attire?

    11 years ago at 1:20 am
  3. Frathlete55

    There will be a lot of “bro, I can’t believe I was so close to hooking up with that girl” stories on this weekend you won’t remember

    11 years ago at 4:04 am