Green Bay Fan Is Absolutely Fed Up With Tits On The Jumbotron While His Packers Are Playing

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Peter Doyen loves Green Bay football. In fact, he loves it so much that he can’t be distracted by female Packers fans showing off their chest cannons on the jumbotron. Fed up with this, Doyen took to the local paper to show his displeasure with a pair of things we get a lot of pleasure from.

Here is Doyen’s letter to an editor in its entirety, from the Green Bay Press Gazette:

After attending the Green Bay Packers preseason game on Aug. 28 I was appalled that the camera operators showed fans in the stadium such as a woman lifting up her shirt and another in a sports bra.

This is from a Packers organization that will not allow opponents cheerleaders to perform because of their revealing uniforms. This is rather two-faced and should be better controlled.

Do we really want to teach our many young children in attendance that this is acceptable behavior?

Pump the brakes, Pete. The children will turn out just fine. Who cares if they see it now or 15 years down the road when they are on spring break at Gulf Shores? To the ladies of Green Bay, don’t holster those bazookas.

[via Green Bay Press Gazette]