1. Cocksmith

    Pi Kappa Phi isnt at all fratty anywhere. In fact frat will probably lose its charter for me even leaving a comment on this site. This site and this picture NF.

    14 years ago at 7:43 pm
  2. Land Owner

    Pi Kappa Phi – Founded: Charleston, South Carolina. TFM


    14 years ago at 11:42 am
  3. Frathew Mcconaughey

    Get that shit delated asap vvv
    It’s scum like you that bring shame to the fraternity name.

    14 years ago at 9:04 am
  4. terre frat

    This would make sense if it was the actual challenge idiot lol

    Blackballing you from a Pi Kapp chapter somewhere- TFM.

    14 years ago at 2:33 pm
  5. Icehouse Pounders


    Kudos from the men of Pikapp at the Alpha Chi chapter – University of Miami (FL)

    14 years ago at 1:18 pm