Gun-Loving Old Man Takes AR-15 To Airport, Tries Really Hard To Get Arrested, Doesn’t Get Arrested

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Second amendment enthusiast and attention whore Jim Cooley stirred up a lot of anxiety at Atlanta’s Jackson-Hartsfield International Airport last weekend when he took his semi-automatic weapon inside the main terminal and just hung out there, freaking out air travelers.

Cooley took photos with people inside the airport, and filmed numerous encounters with Atlanta police in which he tried so hard to get arrested, but couldn’t pull it off.

Here are some of the videos:

I love how Cooley complains to police about harassment for taking photos of him while simultaneously filming them at the same time. What makes him truly American is not the giant gun strapped across his chest or his terrible goatee, it’s his complete lack of self-awareness.

Cooley wasn’t able to trick the cops into arresting him, and the points he attempted to prove were overshadowed by how big of a nut-job he appeared to be. The police should be commended for handling this situation with calmness, because semi-automatic weapons at the airport in the possession of a crazy old man could and should make anyone uneasy.

I’d like to know who convinced Cooley that this was a good idea. Was he just sitting at home having some cheese grits when he decided to load up the AR-15 and drive to the airport to stick it to the police? Do you think he saved up some bail money for his hopeful arrest? Did he at least have a flight?

I’m a big second amendment supporter, but it would be nice if we could find somebody else to be our spokesman.

[via WSB Atlanta]

Image via Twitter

  1. hottytoddy1

    People like this are actually pretty degenerate in my opinion. They waste their time proving a point that’s been proven a million times over, and usually just end up heckling cops and being obnoxious.

    10 years ago at 1:59 pm
    1. Merica TFTC

      I agree, people that try and do this bullshit attention grabbing and skew things to their own agenda are polluting America… Its not just this guy, but we see it in Feminism and all sorts of political issues.

      10 years ago at 2:02 pm
    2. WaspyNortheast

      He’s an idiot, true, but he does reinforce how great it still is to be white in America. Throw an AR-15 on Richard Sherman and see how far into an airport he gets.

      10 years ago at 3:10 pm
    3. scoobyfrye

      I know I’m gonna get insane laps for this, and open carry may seem stupid, but it is important. Open carry asserts your gun rights, acts as a deterrent, can normalize the irrational fear of guns, and you’re obviously not safer when people are hiding guns instead of showing them. Hiding your guns and not taking them out because it scares people. NF.

      10 years ago at 6:52 pm
  2. LouFerrigno

    The far right equivalent of a die hard liberal in my opinion. What a nut job.

    10 years ago at 2:02 pm
    1. scoobyfrye

      The guy is unlikable and doing it for the wrong reasons, but open carry is a legitimate method of deterrent. A private citizen carrying a gun in public shouldn’t scare people.

      10 years ago at 6:54 pm
      1. my_b_standards

        Are you fucking high? If I saw a crazy old man carrying a huge semi-automatic in the airport, I’d run.

        10 years ago at 11:08 pm
      2. JustForTheStory

        Yes, because a crowded airport is the best place to fire back. I’m sure that ends well for everyone.

        10 years ago at 1:48 am
  3. Channel4NewsTeam

    Was that a diss on Americans? Because the only thing I’m aware of right now is how much of a chode you are

    10 years ago at 2:03 pm
  4. TheFratCock

    I’m personally amazed he didn’t get fucking shot. Legality aside, you showed up to an airport with a loaded gun. You don’t do that and expect to come out of it in the same condition you went in, but somehow this guy has pulled it off. I can think of plenty of places that you’d be more likely to have SWAT show up than be permitted to continue to chill with a loaded rifle regardless of whether it’s technically legal for you to do so or not.

    10 years ago at 2:04 pm
      1. TheFratCock

        More than 15. I was tempted to mention this but wanted to avoid making another post devolve into a blacklivesmatter shitshow. Even a young white guy would probably get show though. Only old white people can pull this off, nobody is going to do anything to a white grandparent with gun.

        10 years ago at 2:09 pm
      2. MarineCorps

        Black lives matter? Watch the fucking news. Blacks are getting killed by police faster than tigers when Britain colonized Africa.

        10 years ago at 7:30 pm
      3. Fratasaurus

        You do realize that whites are killed by cops more than blacks? And that blacks thousands more of one another each year? The cop problem is an overexaggeration by race hustlers.

        10 years ago at 8:48 pm
      4. Fratasaurus

        I don’t mean that there isn’t a problem with cops using lethal force too often in general, but its less of a racial thing than people have been making it out to be.

        10 years ago at 8:57 pm
      5. HouseofFrats

        I mean yeah in terms of overall numbers but not proportionally ([3x more likely for blacks] And yeah the race part of it is overblown but the whole “black on black crime epidemic” isn’t really that true ([Whites – 86% blacks 94%] It’s really more about blacks just being poorer in general, lack of education, other shit.

        Everything is overblown by the media today to get page clicks and views, but there is some truth to it. Just not as much as they keep saying

        10 years ago at 10:06 am
      6. Fratasaurus

        Likewise, since blacks are committing more crimes proportionally (let’s just say for the reasons you stated; poorer, lack of education, families, etc) it would make more sense that they are proportionally killed by police more often.

        As for the intra/interracial crime, those %’s aren’t relevant because they aren’t telling us how much are being killed. Blacks are more than 6 or 7 times (can’t remember exact #) more likely to commit a murder than whites, and since crime is 94% intraracial, that means they’re being killed by one another more than being killed by cops – which is what I originally said. Some 50% of murders are committed by blacks, if they are killing close to 100% of their own race that kinda reinforces my point.

        But yes, everything is over exaggerated. I can hardly watch the news anymore because its constant.

        10 years ago at 1:03 pm
    1. 6Fratagonia9

      Not to pull the race card, but it’s likely that if he was dark skinned or brown skinned that he would have likely been detained or even shot. I’m conservative at heart, but I’m not blind enough to see the race problem in this country.

      10 years ago at 12:15 am
  5. Dthesmith

    I don’t care if it’s legal, this would scare the shit out of me if I saw it at my local airport. TsociopathicM

    10 years ago at 2:04 pm
    1. MarineCorps

      I don’t care if I’m commenting too much, I completely agree. I don’t care if you were a fucking Navy SEAL I don’t want firearms anywhere near my plane.

      10 years ago at 7:31 pm
  6. MarineCorps

    If you’re that worried about safety carry a 1911 in a shoulder holster. People already fucking hate the airport don’t scare civilians, have a shred of decency.

    10 years ago at 2:05 pm
  7. Greened6

    I really cant’t stand people like this. He acts like everyone’s fear of a rifle at the airport is irrational and not his problem. This guy really needs to learn that just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should

    10 years ago at 2:07 pm