Gun-Loving Old Man Takes AR-15 To Airport, Tries Really Hard To Get Arrested, Doesn’t Get Arrested

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Second amendment enthusiast and attention whore Jim Cooley stirred up a lot of anxiety at Atlanta’s Jackson-Hartsfield International Airport last weekend when he took his semi-automatic weapon inside the main terminal and just hung out there, freaking out air travelers.

Cooley took photos with people inside the airport, and filmed numerous encounters with Atlanta police in which he tried so hard to get arrested, but couldn’t pull it off.

Here are some of the videos:

I love how Cooley complains to police about harassment for taking photos of him while simultaneously filming them at the same time. What makes him truly American is not the giant gun strapped across his chest or his terrible goatee, it’s his complete lack of self-awareness.

Cooley wasn’t able to trick the cops into arresting him, and the points he attempted to prove were overshadowed by how big of a nut-job he appeared to be. The police should be commended for handling this situation with calmness, because semi-automatic weapons at the airport in the possession of a crazy old man could and should make anyone uneasy.

I’d like to know who convinced Cooley that this was a good idea. Was he just sitting at home having some cheese grits when he decided to load up the AR-15 and drive to the airport to stick it to the police? Do you think he saved up some bail money for his hopeful arrest? Did he at least have a flight?

I’m a big second amendment supporter, but it would be nice if we could find somebody else to be our spokesman.

[via WSB Atlanta]

Image via Twitter

  1. SirRailer

    Didn’t even watch the video because of the girl wearing a Chicago Blackhawks shirt on the picture.

    10 years ago at 11:05 pm
  2. ajohnson250

    Just your typical Georgia redneck looking to make a scene, nothing out of the ordinary, I live here.

    10 years ago at 11:43 pm
  3. 6Fratagonia9

    There’s a difference between having a love of guns, and being an asshole who goes around scaring innocent civilians.

    10 years ago at 12:13 am
  4. Fraternity1335

    At first I thought this was Dorn by the way he was creeping on the underaged looking girl, but then I remembered it was a girl.

    10 years ago at 11:21 am
  5. Teeps

    This guy is just so desperate to film a cop acting illegally or unprofessionally and not a single one does.

    10 years ago at 9:24 pm