Guy Quits Job At Dunkin’ Donuts With The Greatest Instagram Post Ever

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RIP to whichever Dunkin’ Donuts this guy worked at because the “fuck bois” who work there are going to run it into the ground. This guy apparently meant more to his team than Steve Smith meant to the Panthers. He changed lives, man. He made people believe they would get out of the struggle with his Boston Kremes. That’s some heavy shit right there. White girls even loved his iced coffee so much, they believed it would be okay to take this guy home to dad and get married.

Here is the full post:

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Ya boi is gone now. Pour a 40 of coffee out for him.

[via Instagram]

  1. DarrensDad

    I thought we agreed to Durant you… Bring on the goofballs, cause this guy is done.

    10 years ago at 4:56 pm
  2. Fratchelor Pad

    Capitalizing facebook but not God? In the words of Ari Gold “Get the fuck out don’t even grab a bagel”.

    10 years ago at 4:58 pm
      1. JordanBelfort

        This saturday instead of tailgate, find a blindfold, a highway, and play pin the tail on the oncoming semi-truck.

        10 years ago at 2:33 pm
    1. Dwayne_Wayne

      100% agree. Sometimes, I feel like black people look for racism in everything. Then, when level headed people like me don’t see it, we’ve just “turned our back on our race”. No, I just don’t have time to look for negative implications in every-fucking-thing I see.

      10 years ago at 7:46 am
  3. Dog_the_Pledge_Hunter

    This article is about as stupid as SPFL’s articles. Don’t be SPFL.

    10 years ago at 5:12 pm