(Halloween 2013) Holla atcha new Frat Daddyz. We are the brothers of SDN fraternity… Suck Deez Nuts. Panty dropping is the name of our game. #FratHardAndFratOften

Holla atcha new frat daddyz. Suck deez nuts. Panty dropping is the name of our game. #FratHardAndFratOften

    1. sperrys and vests

      Oh wait the one all the way on the left is wearing cargos, total boner killer 🙁

      11 years ago at 6:54 pm
    2. Ari Gold II

      ^ The fact that some random guy on the internet just changed your entire opinion by “telling” you an article of clothing was acceptable genuinely makes me worry about the future of our great country.

      It doesn’t happen often, but this is one of those times where I actually hope that i’m addressing yet another high school kid on this website.

      11 years ago at 3:37 pm
  1. TrickleDown

    Girls trying to impersonate the way guys talk sounds like me trying to impersonate ebonics.

    11 years ago at 1:24 pm