Hangovers Are Now A Thing Of The Past Thanks To Blowfish

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We here at TFM understand that you don’t have time for crippling hangovers. You only have four to nine years to get the whole college experience in before being handed your bachelor’s degree and swiftly getting kicked out into the cold, dreary world. So days spent huddled over the toilet or chugging sink water are wasted opportunities and unacceptable.

Thankfully, this will now become a thing of the past. Meet your new best friend, Blowfish for Hangovers. Blowfish was created by a crack team of science nerds dedicated to helping degenerates like us. God bless ‘em.

Pretty simple. Wake up feeling like shit, drop two tablets in water, let it dissolve, drink it down. By the time you recall all the horrible things you did the night before, your hangover will be gone.

The FDA says Blowfish’s formulation is “effective in the treatment of hangovers.” Pretty sure that’s science-talk for saying it’s REAL medicine, not some herbal supplement crap you get over the counter at the local gas station next to the sketchy boner pills. It’s our office go-to after a big night of “off-site brainstorming” or “team building” or “getting wasted”.

And at less than two bucks a hangover it’s cheap, easy, and a damn miracle worker. There’s just no reason for Blowfish to not be a staple in your morning routine.

And now, TFM has negotiated free shipping and 20 percent off to our readers with the promo code TFM.

So try Blowfish for yourself and never let another hangover hold you back again.