Having pledges step up to a podium to announce your fantasy football picks. TFM.

  1. TheJokeExplainer

    This is funny because the annual player selection draft held by the National Football League each spring is a highly-formal affair, with prospective players of top standing being invited to a nationally-televised ceremony in which draft selections are read from a podium by a league official and each player selected is called up to the stage to receive a ceremonial jersey and to shake hands with the NFL’s commissioner.

    Secondly, the increasing popularity of fantasy football among fans of the NFL has led to highly competitive fantasy leagues that are taken very seriously by participants, to the point that some even host formal events and procedures that mimic the NFL itself.

    And finally, a cornerstone of fraternity culture is hazing, in which prospective pledges are assigned difficult or demeaning tasks in order to prove their loyalty to the organization before potential initiation.

    The poster has combined his love of fantasy football, his competitive nature, and his practice of hazing in an elaborately absurdist ritual in which pledges are forced to treat the selection draft of his fantasy football league with the same formality and seriousness afforded to the actual NFL draft itself.

    10 years ago at 1:50 pm
    1. richard_whitman

      I’m sure it’s a hilarious “social experiment” for you and the other Philosophy majors to be on this site, but it’s time to fuck off.

      10 years ago at 8:19 pm