Hazing: Hard Work Builds Character

In the Greek community, there is no other subject which receives a negative stigma quite like hazing. At many universities, it is one of the largest offenses a chapter can commit. Even though many people find it hilarious, to most administrations hazing is no laughing matter, and being caught can bring a death penalty to a chapter faster than a Miami football player can chug Dom Pérignon on a private yacht. However, there is an underlying purpose to hazing which those outside of the Greek culture can never learn from the hyper-liberal media. Many factors are at play in hazing “scandals,” and these are often overlooked when the world has a scapegoat to put against the wall because one thing went wrong at BFE State. However, any activity that can cause serious harm, such as forcing pledges to consume large quantities of alcohol should be prohibited.

Because the majority of society will never truly know the hard-earned joy of being initiated into a brotherhood, I believe it is time for people to stop looking down on Greeks and start looking in the mirror at some of the larger flaws in society itself. For those who believe hazing serves no purpose other than to please a group of sadistic tormenters, I assure you, you are terribly misinformed. Fraternities at their very cores are an exclusive group of men who share a bond that is tight enough to be considered family, that’s why we call ourselves brothers. Families grow together through good times and bad, and there is no greater bonding experience than facing adversity. Hazing is just one element to a pledge program that serves the purpose of creating these ties which we work so hard for. And just for the record, hazing is an umbrella term that covers most anything these days (making a kid dress nice to class could be considered hazing at some schools). It teaches young men the importance of seeing things to the end and the value of hard work, things that are practically history in the handout society we live in.

Another thing that really points out some pitfalls in our society is the lack of personal accountability expected from these so called “victims” of hazing. Now, I’m well aware there are cases when things get taken too far, and that is a shame. But when it really comes down to it, what kind of person doesn’t know how to walk out of a situation they don’t want to be in? Are we really raising a generation of young adults who can’t hold themselves accountable enough to make their own decisions without the aid of some helicopter parent? I’m sorry, but if you don’t want to put in the work that every person before you put in, then the fraternity you pledged isn’t for you. Drop and rush somewhere else. This everyone-gets-a-trophy bubble we’re raising our youth in today is crippling our country, and it can be seen by the people who use our welfare system but still manage to have flatscreen televisions. If you can’t put in the work to get something, you don’t deserve it.

One last thing I want to mention is rats. Although I will question your testicular fortitude, deciding to drop a fraternity because you don’t like what is expected of you is understandable as long as you don’t run your mouth. The second you decide to ruin the whole process for everyone else, you may as well be living, breathing excrement. The world is full of people who are selfish enough to believe that if they can’t have something no one else should either, they are called liberals. Be a man and lie in the bed you made alone. You made your decision, now make peace with it and move on.

Next time you see a horrific headline with hazing in it, know that someone fucked up. The process is supposed to be a learning experience that teaches young men how to deal with adversity, and learning how to face challenges and work with a group of people through them is easily one of the most important ladder rungs to success. To think that the media looks down upon our institutions for trying to instill values that most of society has forgotten speaks volumes about what is wrong with this country. Hard work builds character. Remember that…and to cup your balls and clench.

  1. F Scott Fratsgerald

    “This everyone-gets-a-trophy bubble we’re raising our youth in today is crippling our country”
    Fuck yes! This is my biggest gripe with how kids are raised today. Getting hit is part of growing up. Deal with it pussies

    13 years ago at 6:14 pm
    1. FrederickHermanJones

      There truly is no “rite of passage” in American youth anymore, and it’s because of this “anything and everything is OK” generation we’re part of. It goes hand in hand with the “everyone gets a trophy,” the “there is no such thing as failure,” the “there is no wrong or right,” the forced tolerance, and, my personal favorite, the “women and men can and should do the same things because they’re not different at all” generation. When you don’t have morals, don’t have values, and you don’t have adversity, you don’t have any real men anymore.

      13 years ago at 6:42 pm
    2. Danny Devitbro

      The two biggest influences on kids today are Lil Wayne and video games. It’s fucking shameful.

      13 years ago at 7:04 pm
    3. NativeFloridaCracker

      Don’t forget that everyon should get paid the same also. It’s only fair.

      13 years ago at 7:19 pm
    4. Engaged and underage

      “This everyone-gets-a-trophy bubble we’re raising our youth in today is crippling our country.”
      What about all of you “Do you know who my father is!?” and “My dad will fire your dad” and “I don’t have to work for anything because my dad is rich” so-called fraternity gentlemen? If you want to start pointing fingers, point them at yourselves for believing that “anything and everything is ok because I’m in a fraternity,” and “I can do what I want because I’m rich and I’m in a fraternity and you’re not.” Talk about crippling our country. If you want to talk about how everybody should work for what they have, instilling morals and values, and teaching people to earn those trophies they have, take it up amongst yourselves because y’all are ones creating those bad stereotypes that surround frat boys. And I call you frat boys on purpose; when I see male Greek members act like adults, I’ll start referring to them as fraternity gentlemen.

      13 years ago at 3:12 am
    5. Charleston FratEN

      That’s the point of a fraternity. Maybe you missed that, but no matter who you are, no matter who you dad is, you get hazed as a pledge.

      13 years ago at 6:19 am
    6. the nelson

      And there it is. Proof that no matter who a sorostitute is affiliated with, who her family is, they just don’t understand. Engagedandunderaged, i salute you. Hazing is our test, its our tempest. If we go to the right schools, make the right grades and shake the right hands they give us the keys to the kingdom. You don’t think we have to earn it? Enjoy being a stay at home mom because your husband one day, if he’s worth anything, will work a highly stressful job in order to provide for you, because he earned it. Our fathers haze us from day one because a men, we have responsibilities you can never fully understand. Stick to the kitchen work and let the men talk.

      13 years ago at 7:17 am
    7. deadeye4868

      “I just pulled my six-year-old out of T-ball cause I found out they’re giving trophies to every boy on every team for simply playing the game. Trophies should be earned. Teaching children that everyone’s equal is a dangerous philosophy.”

      Life isn’t fair. People aren’t equal. Its a fact of life. If you think otherwise, you’re naive.

      13 years ago at 9:11 am
    8. Frats Dominos

      so all of my “participation” trophies and awards are meaningless? god….dammit.

      13 years ago at 9:14 am
    9. Engaged and underage

      So a few months of being somebody’s bitch automatically makes you untouchable and means you get the “keys to the kingdom?” Please.
      “Enjoy being a stay at home mom because your husband one day, if he’s worth anything, will work a highly stressful job in order to provide for you, because he earned it. Our fathers haze us from day one because a men, we have responsibilities you can never fully understand.” For starters, I won’t be a stay-at-home wife because I have bigger ambitions than that. Second, my husband will have a great job not because he endured a few months of hazing, but because he busted his balls to get the academics needed to fulfill the goals he’s set for himself. So your argument has no merit. Going through a few months of hazing doesn’t make you a successful man. Sorry to burst your bubble.

      13 years ago at 7:27 pm
    10. bromontana7

      ^He said hazing is a test. He also said if you go to the right school, get the grades, and meet the right people you will be doing fine after college. Hope your “dreams” don’t get crushed when you have your first child and officially become a stay at home mom

      13 years ago at 2:21 pm
    11. beautiful_dirtyrich

      Cognitive dissonance: an unpleasant mental experience of tension resulting from two conflicting thoughts or beliefs.

      Thought one: hazing was terrible, humiliating, I hated it
      Thought two: I put up with it and now I’m putting others through it

      Solution to reduce tension: hazing is character building.
      This way pledgeship seems worthwhile and feelings of guilt are completely avoided.

      I’m truly sorry that your hazing experience was so traumatizing that you must now spend your life trying to convince yourself and others that what you went through was worthwhile and character building. That’s utter b.s. but maybe it will help you and others like you sleep at night.

      That, or you’re just another loser, low class, frat boy

      13 years ago at 9:24 pm
    12. sigma1167

      Engaged and Underage, you should stick to the tsm wall since you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

      13 years ago at 7:59 pm
    13. beautiful_dirtyrich

      Engaged and underage, you’re right. 🙂 Don’t listen to them, they can’t accept the truth because of cognitive dissonance.

      13 years ago at 11:54 pm
    14. pikeright

      This is why the women are at home and the men go out into the world to work. When pledge brothers go through hazing together they come out stronger and closer then before, why do you think SigEp is never top-tier. It’s women like Engaged and underage and beautiful_dirtyrich that ruin this country, your children are going to come out gay.

      13 years ago at 2:25 pm
  2. Southern Order

    Humiliation through hazing raises the individual’s perceived value of the group. Kids need stop to being pussies.

    13 years ago at 6:31 pm
    1. beautiful_dirtyrich

      I’m sure your pledges don’t feel any resentment towards you once they become initiated members. It just strengthens the ties of brotherhood.

      Do you guys ever listen to yourselves?

      13 years ago at 2:03 pm
    2. fratyliteonthefratio

      Resentment is passed on to pledges, not to brothers. You wouldn’t understand. And when sorority girls say “isn’t there a pledge for that” when they need a ride, forget their bag, or whatever, that’s the pledgeship we enforce that makes that possible.

      13 years ago at 10:59 am
    3. beautiful_dirtyrich

      So you’re saying that displaced anger makes your brotherhood strong? Why cause the resentment at all?

      I have never used that line. However, I think it’s fair to have your pledges do some chores – such as being the ones to set up for a party – little reasonable chores. That being said, you have maids for cleaning and the verbal (and physical goes without saying) abuse of pledgeship is unethical and unnecessary.

      13 years ago at 12:05 am
  3. AmericanPsychBRO

    “The world is full of people who are selfish enough to believe that if they can’t have something no one else should either, they are called liberals.”

    13 years ago at 7:35 pm
  4. BROwnOutOfProportion

    Well said. Nothing brings a group of people together like going through hell together, whether going through pledgeship, basic training, dealing with abusive parents, or simply getting your ass kicked together (like the cast of Animal House did before shooting started). Anyone who has gone through hell with another person understands the merits of hazing.

    13 years ago at 6:50 am
  5. Brovis Love III

    hazing. where boys become men. men become gladiators. and gladiators become swansons.

    13 years ago at 8:28 am