Here Are Maps That Show Which States Drink The Most Wine, Beer, And Liquor


I’ve seen a lot of these sorts of “Which States Drink The Most” statistical maps pop up lately, which I tend to come across with far more frequency than, say, “Which States Have The Highest Literacy Rate” maps. I could view that as troubling, but then again, it might have something to do with the sorts of publications I read. When “porn,” “frat,” and “alcohol” are three of the filters in your Google News feed you’re definitely not going to be reading a lot about American education, unless a student or teacher is discovered doing porn, which is just a win/win, obviously.

However, I found these maps on The Washington Post’s website (statistics via The Beer Institute), which seems like a legitimate news source, as it rarely shows up in my aforementioned porn filter. Clearly even the classiest of periodicals have kicked out their nerds and started to make the news more kick ass. And yeah, maybe a lack of concern for something like education will mean that there will be more poorly educated people, who in turn can’t read the news, but it works out, because with these brightly colored maps you don’t need to read shit. Plus the geography won’t be too confusing, because we’ll always have college football to help the country know what at least fifteen of these states are.

Congratulations to New Hampshire for drinking the most liquor, Washington D.C. the most wine, and North Dakota for downing the most beers. Plus, check out the binge drinking prowess of the Midwest. (Winters are tough.)

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[via The Washington Post]

  1. Kappa Significant

    Whoever decided that 5 drinks a month constitutes binge drinking needs to take that dick out of their ass.

    10 years ago at 1:07 am
  2. carlosthewhite

    Well I guess I am contributing to north dakota’s greatness today. Does that make me an alcoholic when I don’t remember the last time I didn’t have 5 drinks in a week let alone a month?

    10 years ago at 1:59 am
  3. Middle Initials Are Frat

    North Dakota drink all that beer so that the girls look like they’re from the south.

    10 years ago at 3:37 am
  4. NoCo Livin

    New Hampshire isn’t leading shit. These statistics are most likely off of alcohol purchases and since they have the cheapest liquor and no sales tax, the rest of New England buys from them.

    10 years ago at 7:54 am