High School Fratstar’s Semester Wrapup: The Final Countdown

In case you missed the first segment in the High School Fratstar saga, check it out here

It’s been a long semester full of Bud Light slim can shotgunning, college town touring and general High School Frat insanity, but I’m back mother fruckers ready to give a report from my final semester living the THSFM life.

First off, our basketball team made the regional semis, so you better believe me and my pledge bros (Class of 2012 baby!) tailgaited that shit so hard the SEC would be jealous.

I’ve never been to a game, but i don’t think they have shit on all FOUR cases of Mikes Harder we got our friend Tommy the Crackhead to pick up for us. Jacobs went so hard they carried him out on a stretcher. I think it was just frat karma for him geeding out and trying to grind on his longboard down the bleacher rail. When he comes out of that coma I’m gonna give him so much shit for being NF.

And who can forget the craziest night of High School, PROM BITCHES, #YOLO. By far the craziest night yet, I don’t know what frat mixers are like but if they’re 1% as crazy as that I’ll be happy.

First off, my date. Slampiece doesn’t even do her justice. Banging blonde from the Lacrosse team with perky B-cups on deck. Great head too, I could only last like two minutes. Half as long as usual!

Anyway, back to PromRagefest 2k12. First off we took pictures at Loose Lacey’s parents’ place, but I was sipping a flask full of Franzia the whole time so I barely remember. Regardless, I was looking sick. I had my Mom call like, 80 tux rental places before she found the Seersucker one I wanted. She had to pay like $100 to get it
shipped but I looked like the Frat Godfather so I’m TFTC.

Once we all posted up in the stretch Frathoe, it was smooth sailing. Lacey’s parents put a bunch of sparkling cider bottles in the limo as a joke, so naturally we mixed four different bottles of tequila and whiskey from our parent’s liquor cabinets. Kind of tasted like an old wooden barrel full of spoiled butter, but I better get used to that shit before pledging.

Once we got there, I had to pull the old Puke & Rally a few times before I was good to go. My date was pissed, but I reassured her by telling her she doesn’t need to go anywhere near my vomit tainted mouth to blow me. She stopped talking to me so I think she got the point.

I thought I was pretty sober at this point, all those times I fell I’m pretty sure I got tripped, but the Dean sure as fuck wasn’t happy to see me. He asked me a shit ton of hard questions like “What’s your name again?” and “Have you had anything to drink tonight?” I got in no problem after Dean Douchefuck’s pop quiz and proceeded to cockslap every single Junior on the dance floor while their white-tuxed geed dates just sat their and watched. They announced all the Prom King BS too, but I was way TFTC to run for something gay like that.

Can’t really remember the rest of the night, but judging by the yellow and red splotches all over my tux I had a damn good time. I’ve heard a few stories, like me running around the banquet hall ripping decorations off the wall screaming “TEAM DORN, MOTHERFUCKERS!” but I can’t be sure if that’s true.

My last night of raging before my true Total Frat Life begins was a total success. I can’t wait to tell all the bros during Rush about how sick it was.

Once they hear about it, they’ll probably make me Pledge Class President right off the bat. Might even make me the actual President since I’m so chill. Pledging is gonna be a breeze.

Graduation is next week, and we’re gonna celebrate by drinking in a parking lot every day before school these last few weeks. Might even try to score that hot Pre-Calc teacher’s number, since she’s been eye fucking me all semester and all. Wish me luck.

Follow me all summer as I decide which university I will rage at in the Fall @HS_Fratstar

  1. richdaddybowtiefrat

    Sounds just like my senior year broski, except I tag teamed two slams after my prom on my dad’s yacht after doing coke off of their asses. It’s so dank being so much more frat than all these other geeds in high school. Frat on bro can’t wait for Elon Class of 2016 baby!

    12 years ago at 4:11 pm
    1. richdaddybowtiefrat

      Come to Elon and say that brah. I bench 340 pounds I bet I can bench more than any of you bottom tier geeds. Ya’ll are just jealous of my old money frattiness. Bowties, bitches, and blow #lifeofagoddamnboss

      12 years ago at 9:02 pm
    2. richdaddybowtiefrat

      Hey Old_Virginia I aint no bottom tier geed like you. So you hate on my old money, bowties, and fratting hard? If so i bet you are some loser that can’t even bench 200 lbs. Me and my broskis ran prom 2012 harder than anyone on this site partied their whole college career. If you wanna talk mad shit I dare you to come to the heart of the old money south, Elon, North Carolina. Had to leave New Jersey bc of all these low tier geeds like you. Im calling my dad now to fire your dads ass. #irolldeepwithmynigs

      12 years ago at 6:55 am
    3. PhrattyPrep

      It’s not old money if you talk about it. Also, what you bench doesn’t mean a damn thing to anyone on here. We’re all dudes. Who are you trying to impress?

      12 years ago at 6:57 pm
  2. Leader of Frat Pack

    I can already tell… Worst Pledge Class. Ever

    And I thought this year’s pledges sucked…

    12 years ago at 9:48 pm
    1. GloryGlory

      That’s the thing about pledges… I keep getting older, but they stay just as shitty.

      12 years ago at 9:18 am
  3. Donald_Draper

    Jesus-fucking-Christ, I’ve never been so angry in my life… I wish this little son of a bitch WOULD try to have that attitude come August. If I didn’t know this was satire, I would’ve lost my shit.

    Also, #TeamBacon. Just saying.

    12 years ago at 12:27 am
    1. TheHymenRemover

      you have never been so angry in your life yet you recognize this as a satire? you’re getting into this brah

      12 years ago at 7:50 am
  4. Haze Master General

    I got two paragraphs into this column, already felt the familiar, but suddden urge to haze the balls off this kid. Prom…cute. Trying hard…yes you are. $10 says when this kid goes to college, he is going to tell all the frats on campus he has his own column on TFM. They will probably agree with me in thinking what a try hard, blow hard, high school geed this guy turned out to be. Son, if you are watching this, let me school you on college real quick. Everybody, and I mean everybody, can sit down, go on the internet and research fratty stuff on the internet. About an hour later, and whole lot of copy and pasting, you have yourself a nice little research paper on how we, the actually fratdaddys and fratstars, live our lives on a day by day basis in college. The point of my abusive rant here is that no matter what you say, it doesn’t mean shit. When you pledge a fraternity, I can guarantee you, that no matter what kind of hot shit you thought you were in high school, you will learn aren’t jack when it comes to pledgeship. True men dont just talk, they do. Learn and take in this lesson kid, because if you dont, you are in for a world of hurt.

    12 years ago at 3:51 pm
    1. Haze Master General

      Just out of curiosity, do you want to expand your thoughts a bit on your pathetic comeback “…please die.” If you agree, but at the same time, seem to disagree, you either have a point to your comment or you actually are so incompetent that you comment on peoples post for the sole purpose of trying, and I mean really trying, to talk smack to people. Lets dig deep, find our balls for a second, and try and justify your comment.

      12 years ago at 3:38 am
    2. Tyler_TFTC_Bray

      I was under the impression that the HS fratstar was a fictional character created for humor, but then again I thought this site was for entertainment too.

      12 years ago at 4:55 am
    3. Born Wearing Sperrys

      I think this Haze Master General needs to calm down a bit. Chances are this kid won’t be pledging your fraternity, as he is a top tier frat star.

      12 years ago at 5:22 am