High School Photoshops Girls’ Photos To Make Them Look Less Sexy

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Wasatch High School in Utah has a serious problem. The female students are just too good looking. The school’s solution? Photoshop the yearbook photos too make the girls seem less attractive. According to school officials, some girls were showing too much skin. You can imagine the surprise of the girls when they saw their outfits were completely different from what they had originally worn. Any sleeveless tops had sleeves added, and some girls’ outfits were photoshopped with a different color. Sophomore Kimberly Montoya said, “My shirt was a cream color, and the color of the cover-up was completely white. It looked like white-out on my skin.”

The school should have probably notified these girls on the day the pictures were taken that their clothes were too revealing. However, there are two sides to this incident. The school does have a dress code (a strict one) for its students. According to Wasatch County School District Superintendent Terry E. Shoemaker, the dress code prohibits “revealing shorts, skirts, dresses, tank shirts, halter or crop tops, spaghetti straps, etc.” The school believes the photo altercations will teach these girls to dress more appropriately, but they should maybe loosen the dress code a bit. This is the 21st Century, after all.

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[via Capitalism Is Freedom]

  1. Fratgineer

    How does one decide when the photoshopping is complete? Does the guy doing it make periodic checks to ask himself, “would I masturbate to this picture?”

    10 years ago at 8:50 am