High School Security Guard Won’t Let Lieutenant Colonel Wear Uniform Inside Because It Might Offend Students

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For 24 years, Lt. Col. Baker has been proudly serving the greatest country in the world–that’s 24 years of kicking ass and taking names. It was a damn shame that a security guard on his fucking anti-war high horse wouldn’t let Lt. Baker enter Rochester Adams High School with his daughter because he was wearing his Army uniform. The egregious reasoning? He might offend other students.

From FOX 2:

Lt. Baker has served in the Army for 24 years. This past week he was told by Rochester Adams high school security that if he wanted to get into the high school with his daughter he was going to have to go home and change his clothes.

Baker’s wife, Rachel Ferhadson says, “Before he was allowed in, the security guard stopped him and said sorry your [sic] not allowed in the school. Security told him men and women in uniform weren’t allowed because it may offend another student.”

What kind of America-hating security company did this school hire? It’s sad that this is where we are headed as a country–that the sight of the armed forces uniforms our brave men and women wear could offend someone. I’m offended that this could be considered “offensive” on our own soil.

Superintendent Robert Shaner, who is a veteran himself, apologized to the Baker family for what happened.

The district has apologized for any perception that individuals in uniform are not welcome in the school. The district does not have a policy excluding individuals in uniform and will be working with administration and the firm that handles our security to make sure district policies are understood and communicated accurately.

The district also should have fired this rent-a-cop.

As the great Randy Marsh once said, “I thought this was America.”

[via FOX 2]

  1. robCK


    There are uniforms and there are uniforms. The photo posted is a work uniform (the equivalent of chubbies and a t-shirt). If the school had a dress code, it wouldn’t have hurt this LTC — no disrespect intended — to have put on a tie. I know even the Army requires him to have one.

    FWIW, I’m Navy, all the way.

    10 years ago at 1:09 pm
      1. robCK

        Wholly disagree: as an O-5 with over 20 he owes it to America to show how the proper uniform — suited to the occasion should be worn.

        I’m with ZeteNJ: if he’s whining about being thrown out of a club for not being in the proper attire, I don’t know how he could be fit to fight America’s enemies.

        10 years ago at 1:36 pm
      2. wyosig1855

        Last time I was down range uniform attire didn’t prevent us from dropping bodies like cholera. Just saying.

        10 years ago at 2:20 pm
      3. robCK

        Understood, seriously.

        But, there’s a time and a place.

        If my bosses can tell me what to wear and when — and kill or die for my country — I’m not going to get bent out of shape by kids’ school’s dress code.

        Just saying, too.

        10 years ago at 3:04 pm
  2. Bradass85

    A shame. And this unfortunately continues to happen more and more around the country. I’m sick of this crap

    10 years ago at 1:45 pm
  3. fraternititty

    Offending GDI pussies, then getting them fired by their boss who sides with you. TFM

    10 years ago at 1:49 pm
  4. EricFrattonRushChair

    $20 says if this guy had said “what are you gonna do about it?” and walked past him the rent-a-cop would’ve at least teared up

    10 years ago at 2:56 pm
  5. Dog_the_Pledge_Hunter

    This isn’t a liberal/conservative issue. This security guard is just a dumb fuck who should fired.

    10 years ago at 4:05 pm