Hilarious Tinder Profiles That Actually Exist, Part 2

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I have a feeling Voldemort isn’t gonna be the only one coming.
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Looks like Rick Rolling has made its way to Tinder.
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At least she’s being upfront about it?

If you have come across an absurd Tinder profile or have a hilarious Tinder interaction, send it to TheDeVryGuyTFM@gmail.com.

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She sounds like a woman you’d bring home to meet your grandma.
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He is analingus royalty.
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There is no point to this app if you’re going to make that your picture.
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Need he say more?
    1. TFMSorrySir

      Well that didn’t go well. Laps taken, I’m still trying to figure out how to do images nowadays.

      10 years ago at 12:35 pm
  1. thaisticktony

    I don’t think there is a dick in the world that could do buttstuff with that black girl

    10 years ago at 10:08 am
    1. RFM Police

      Creating a Tinder profile to warn women about the dangers of premarital sex, and maybe making a few lifelong friends along the way. RFM.

      10 years ago at 12:07 pm
  2. TFMSorrySir

    I see over 3/4 of a buttcrack… looks like it’s time to shut down the Gallery. #BringBackTheF0r*ms #JusticeForTheKids #AllenForStaff

    10 years ago at 12:41 pm