Hipster Asshole Uses Wi-Fi Hotspot Name To Make Bomb Threat While On Plane

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There is not much in this world that offends or bothers me. However, I am well aware that despite my personal immunity, the rest of the world may not possess the same degree of no fucks.

Last Thursday was Sept. 11, and the entire nation was on a heightened alert status while mourning those we lost 13 years ago. A man on a Denver-bound flight thoroughly pissed off his fellow passengers when he attempted to rename his wi-fi hotspot “Bomb Location Seat 19E.” That’s not going to fly, motherfucker, both literally and figuratively.

From KDVR:

Passengers say someone tried to name a wireless hot spot “Bomb Location Seat 19E.” That was enough for federal marshals to halt the flight and arrest the man.

One woman says she was right behind the suspect. “I thought he was in a band because he had a guitar case, so I thought he was going for a gig in boulder or going to college.”

The man was arrested without incident.

But passengers waited for several hours on the tarmac as they were re-screened before being allowed to travel to Denver.

What a dickhole. I’m sure his hipster mind has perverted any normal sense of humor he may have once had, but even the weirdest shitbags are usually intelligent enough to avoid making bomb jokes while on an airplane. Some people are just unable to successfully toe the line, I guess.

I miss the days of Darwinism.

[via KDVR]

Image via Wikimedia

  1. ProudPhi2042

    Hopefully he dies due to being allergic to an obscure ingredient in the microbrew he’s drinking which “you’ve probably never heard of.”

    10 years ago at 6:25 pm
    1. LarDaddy


      10 years ago at 1:27 pm
      1. LarDaddy


        10 years ago at 1:28 pm
      2. LarDaddy


        10 years ago at 1:33 pm
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        10 years ago at 3:36 pm
      4. LarDaddy


        10 years ago at 3:39 pm
    1. Beecher1843

      I was thinking the same thing. 100% of hipsters are total douches. But not all douches are hipsters, and not everyone with a guitar is a hipster.

      10 years ago at 9:53 am
    1. LarDaddy


      10 years ago at 1:34 pm