1. brobart statesman

    All of you SEC jizzstains hating on this brofest can come up to the founding chapter of the Delta Chi fraternity and watch us steal your girlfriends and drink you under the table.
    I hope you worthless jabroni pieces of pledgefuckery realize that this was taken at 10 in the morning when i cut my night off short to take this picture.

    14 years ago at 7:49 pm
    1. txfratstar

      You sir are an embarrassment to Delta Chi, stop while you’re not too far behind

      14 years ago at 9:47 am
    2. ProperlySouthern1890

      Please, stop. Please don’t embarrass your letters, my letters, our fraternity, and your chapter like that. Thanks.

      14 years ago at 12:13 pm
    3. PDT MSB

      Sweet Lord, I’m not a Delta Chi and I’m sorry ya’ll have this one to embarrass you. And of course you would want to steal our girlfriends, who wouldn’t? Not saying you couldn’t…wait yeah I am. You couldn’t.

      14 years ago at 1:54 pm
  2. KAGentlemen

    This is about the saddest group of lowly peasants I have ever seen. This is at Hobart College and is the worst fraternity there. Anyone who poses for a TFM picture is clearly gay and to be WITHOUT girls means these trons clearly enjoy sucking cock. They definitely gave eachother post-photoshoot old fashion reach-arounds to celebrate their submission. Nice try, Delta Cry. Kid in the blue.. go drink a bottle of draino please and remove your offensive NF ways from society. Enjoy summer with your bros in seaside heights. Don’t forget the white sunglasses, graphic tees, and cargo shorts.

    14 years ago at 8:12 pm
    1. Nicbrodemus


      Let’s get something “straight” here.

      You couldn’t get a bid from any of the fraternities here because you are a homosexual and a tool, so as a last resort you joined KA Society, not the order. You’re just another case of an enraged kid who is hating on greek life because you will enver be a part of it. On the outside looking in = NF

      14 years ago at 9:41 pm
    2. Sir Edward Coke

      I do have friends in the KA “society” here, but I assume you are one of the fags. Stop with your intellectual bullshit, we have copies of your pledge exams, and realize the truth. Your fraternity is just a bunch of rejects of Sig Phi, whom our school doesn’t even recognize as a fraternity. Have fun with your weekly debates and your BS pledge process you tools.

      14 years ago at 1:03 am
  3. PHI or DIE

    the only 29 people that could have liked this pic are dxs from nj…one of the worst photos ive ever seen on this site including fail friday

    14 years ago at 10:33 pm
  4. Sir Edward Coke

    If you ignorant “old money” southern fucks knew anything, you would know that there is far more to Jersey than the stereotype we get from that stupid MTV show. NJ is home to 3 of the Top 10 wealthiest counties in the US, none of the remaining 7 are from any of the washed up SEC states that you rednecks call home. Home of the true bro, sorry we’ll be working in NYC while you’ll be riding your John Deere through your family’s plantation.

    14 years ago at 10:48 am
    1. True_Gentleman27

      Looks like someone needs a spray tan and some Ed Hardy to calm himself down.

      14 years ago at 10:59 am
    2. Chevy Silverabro

      By wealthiest, do you mean largest stockpile of cargo shorts, affliction t-shirts, and AIDs? If so, then I believe you.

      14 years ago at 3:39 pm
    3. Sir Edward Coke

      No by wealthiest I mean some of the richest families, the richest and best prep schools (Delbarton, Peddie, Hill, Hun, Lawrenceville, and Blair). If you knew anything, you would know that everyone from these counties despises these so called “guidos” of the Jersey Shore, because these people also own properties own the shore which are some of the richest in the state. If all you know is Seaside Heights, then I guess all you have seen is the TV Show. I guess everyone up north forgot how “Two-a-Days” made you all look like stupid hicks.

      14 years ago at 1:17 am
    4. Chevy Silverabro

      It’s funny how you think high schools are going to redeem that shithole you call a state. Face it, Jersey sucks. No, I have never been there and I don’t ever plan on going. You don’t have to go somewhere to know that you hate that place and everyone who lives there. Have fun selling bootleg DVDs and fake watches in NYC while I’m at my family’s plantation.

      14 years ago at 6:44 pm
    5. Kimball

      Quit defending your photo. Jersey is America’s armpit. You’re an embarrassment to my fraternity.

      14 years ago at 9:31 pm
    6. ProperlySouthern1890

      Man Kimball, I hate to say it but I agree. C’mon Sir Edward Coke, lets get some class.


      14 years ago at 10:42 pm
    7. PDT MSB

      Actually @SirEdwardCoke you are wrong. Williamson in Tennessee, about four counties in Virginia, and Forsyth in Georgia are on that list. So….I’ll take my John Deere on my family’s plantation any day rather than working with you Yankee fucks. Btw, the one guy I have ever met from Jersey got balled so don’t try and change my opinion of “you people”

      14 years ago at 2:02 pm