Homecoming, America, and an unbreakable inter-fraternal bond.

  1. Land Of Cotton

    Your name is antebellum_fratting yet from new jersey. Explain to me what antebellum Jersey was like

    11 years ago at 4:46 pm
    1. Okefenokee Joe

      Technically, antebellum means “before the war”, but still I’ve never heard it apply to New Jersey and I doubt anything antebellum remains.

      11 years ago at 4:54 pm
    2. Apricots

      safe to say pre war jersey is more historic than many states. NE states easily the most historic. Idk wut ur trying to imply. Pick up a book

      11 years ago at 5:05 pm
    3. Apricots

      no need to write properly on here guy.. its a fucking satire website. Good job, good effort tho

      11 years ago at 12:19 pm
  2. thatfratbat

    Guy on the top…? I’d hit…Maybe next time he’ll let me get on top of him 😉

    11 years ago at 11:39 am