Hot World Cup Fan Becomes Model After Photo Goes Viral

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The Internet is incredible, and the possibilities it offers seem infinite. So many people, for better or worse, have become famous overnight because of the Internet. Recently, its power turned someone into an instant celebrity; for Belgian soccer fan Axelle Despiegelaere, the Internet took her from just another face in the crowd to a professional model.

Despiegelaere was in the stands in Rio cheering for her country when someone took her photo. She is extremely good looking, so I’m not surprised that her photo went viral. Some newspapers even printed her photo. When Despiegelaere returned to Belgium, she created her own Facebook page–and she has now amassed more than 200,000 likes. Yes sir, the Internet can give you immediate fame.

When there’s an attractive girl with thousands of people following her on Facebook and Twitter, someone very important will eventually see her on social media. For Despiegelaere, that person works for L’Oreal, and that person offered her a modeling contract, which she signed. To me, this story is crazy. It just proves that anyone can become famous. In just weeks, Despiegelaere went from being a normal girl to a professional model. She did it without hiring an agent, taking classes, getting headshots, or by doing any of the other shit you have to do to become a model.

Congrats, Axelle. You’re hot and I hope you have a successful career.

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Oh, and for you perverts who will immediately look her up after reading this, she’s 17.

[via NY Post]

Images via Axelle Despiegelaere/Facebook

  1. Frattylightrebels

    She lost her contract because of a hunting picture which in my eyes makes her even hoetter

    10 years ago at 9:11 pm