Ranking The Hottest Cheerleading Squads In College Football

5. Louisiana State University

A photo posted by LSU Cheerleading (@lsucheer) on

A photo posted by LSU Cheerleading (@lsucheer) on

A photo posted by LSU Cheerleading (@lsucheer) on

A photo posted by LSU Cheerleading (@lsucheer) on

A photo posted by LSU Cheerleading (@lsucheer) on

4. Clemson University

3. University of Louisville

2. University of Southern California

A photo posted by @uscsonggirls on

A photo posted by @uscsonggirls on

A photo posted by @uscsonggirls on

A photo posted by USC Cheer (@cheerusc) on

A photo posted by @uscsonggirls on

1. University of Oregon

A photo posted by oregoncheer (@oregoncheer) on

A photo posted by oregoncheer (@oregoncheer) on

A photo posted by oregoncheer (@oregoncheer) on

A photo posted by oregoncheer (@oregoncheer) on

A photo posted by oregoncheer (@oregoncheer) on

A photo posted by oregoncheer (@oregoncheer) on

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  1. SirCarlosIII

    Ole Miss, ASU, Bama, UA, Texas, Nebraska and UCLA deserve honorable mentions (Most of the SEC for that matter).

    8 years ago at 1:26 pm
  2. Cartier

    What else would you rank them on?

    TCU girl with the megaphone could make Elton John do a double take.

    8 years ago at 1:34 pm
  3. BroChillOut

    This is a completely pointless metric with no scale. If 100 people put out a ranking you’d get 100 different results.

    8 years ago at 2:03 pm
  4. StockWithFrock

    Oregon is not #1. Some of those girls got hit with the ugly stick tbh.

    8 years ago at 2:19 pm
  5. Not Tim Riggins

    I also don’t know about Louisville that high. They all just look tiny (and while I realize a lot of cheerleaders are), that isn’t my cup of tee.

    Also, if they had football St. Louis would be on here. They are as good as any non-Oregon school.

    8 years ago at 2:23 pm
  6. dodgej

    For years I would visit these websites, to do a little ogling, after all, I’m a god damn American. And then, just like Costanza, my worlds collided when my daughter ends up on this list. You should all feel my pain.

    8 years ago at 4:34 pm
    1. Gun_Slinger

      You have a daughter in college? Maybe start browsing different sites. I recommend the milfhunter.

      8 years ago at 9:43 pm