A Mathematically Perfect Ranking Of The 37 Hottest College Girls On Earth

We run a world-renowned Instagram account by the name of @TFMgirls which features the hottest college girls in the world on a daily basis. It is known. We’re talking nearly a million followers. You should probably get on that if for some reason you haven’t already unless you’re literally blind and therefore can’t see with your eyes.

I bring this Instagram account up only to say that we now have access to certain scientifically-powered mathematical analytics that allow us to see the most popular girls ever featured on @TFMgirls, and by using a ratio of likes, comments, shares, and other significant statistics, we have determined the 37 hottest college girls in the world and expect to be honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in return.

Send your girlfriend shopping, close the blinds, secure that belt around your neck, and enjoy.

37. Kendall from University of Southern California

@kendallcaitlyn from University of Southern California. #TFMgirls #TFM #USC @totalfratmove

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@kendallcaitlyn from University of Southern California. #TFMgirls #TFM @totalfratmove

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36. Kristin from Towson University

@kristinfloyd95 from Towson University. #TFMgirls #TFM @totalfratmove

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35. Brianna from Florida Atlantic University

@briannayagos from Florida Atlantic University. #TFMgirls #TFM #FAU @totalfratmove

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34. Maggie from Virginia Tech

@_maggievaughan from Virginia Tech. #TFMgirls #TFM @totalfratmove

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33. Karina from University of Western Ontario

@karinaschnurr from University of Western Ontario. #TFMgirls #TFM #🇨🇦

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@karinaschnurr from Western University. #TFMgirls #TFM #UWO #🇨🇦 @totalfratmove

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32. Madie from Clemson University

@madiemontero from Clemson University. #TFMgirls #TFMgirls #🐅 @totalfratmove

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31. Jennica from Florida State University

@jennicaloveland from Florida State University. #TFMgirls #TFM #FSU @totalfratmove

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30. Jenna from University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin

@jennavuorinen from University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin. #TFMgirls #TFM @totalfratmove

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29. Sydney from Old Dominion University

@syd_sod from Old Dominion University. #TFMgirls #TFM #ODU @totalfratmove

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28. Mariah from San Diego State University

@mariah_riri from San Diego State University. #TFMgirls #TFM #SDSU @totalfratmove

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      1. Texas Tux and Oil

        If there is anything I have learned from these olympics it is to finish quickly.

        8 years ago at 3:13 pm
      2. SharkWeekTFM

        I don’t know why people are trying to take longer. When I finish it is RIGHT on time. Hell, I’m working on getting my time down.

        8 years ago at 7:11 pm
  1. Howard Feltersnatch

    Great article. Almost sort of makes up for a missed fail friday.. almost

    8 years ago at 3:49 pm
  2. Colonel Reb forever

    Not how I would’ve ranked them, and to be fair some of them don’t belong among the 37 greatest at all. With that said, at least 15-20 are straight fire.

    8 years ago at 3:50 pm