A Mathematically Perfect Ranking Of The 37 Hottest College Girls On Earth

7. Mary from University of Rhode Island

@mary_ernster from University of Rhode Island. #TFMgirls #TFM #URI @totalfratmove

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6. Ashleigh from Florida International University

@ashleighkinggg from Florida International University. #TFMgirls #TFM #FIU @totalfratmove

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5. Amanda from Florida State University

@amandakasss Florida State University. #TFMgirls #TFM #FSU @totalfratmove

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4. Ady from Miami Dade College

@adynunez from Miami Dade College. #TFMgirls #TFM #MDC @totalfratmove

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3. Madison from High Point University

@madisnsmith from High Point University. #TFMgirls #TFM #HPU @totalfratmove

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2. Tori from Washington State University

@toritherussian from Washington State University. #TFMgirls #TFM #WSU @totalfratmove

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1. Lexi from Florida Atlantic University

@lexirhein from Florida Atlantic University. #TFMgirls #TFM #FAU @totalfratmove

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      1. Texas Tux and Oil

        If there is anything I have learned from these olympics it is to finish quickly.

        8 years ago at 3:13 pm
      2. SharkWeekTFM

        I don’t know why people are trying to take longer. When I finish it is RIGHT on time. Hell, I’m working on getting my time down.

        8 years ago at 7:11 pm
  1. Howard Feltersnatch

    Great article. Almost sort of makes up for a missed fail friday.. almost

    8 years ago at 3:49 pm
  2. Colonel Reb forever

    Not how I would’ve ranked them, and to be fair some of them don’t belong among the 37 greatest at all. With that said, at least 15-20 are straight fire.

    8 years ago at 3:50 pm