A Mathematically Perfect Ranking Of The 37 Hottest College Girls On Earth
We run a world-renowned Instagram account by the name of @TFMgirls which features the hottest college girls in the world on a daily basis. It is known. We’re talking nearly a million followers. You should probably get on that if for some reason you haven’t already unless you’re literally blind and therefore can’t see with your eyes.
I bring this Instagram account up only to say that we now have access to certain scientifically-powered mathematical analytics that allow us to see the most popular girls ever featured on @TFMgirls, and by using a ratio of likes, comments, shares, and other significant statistics, we have determined the 37 hottest college girls in the world and expect to be honored with the Nobel Peace Prize in return.
Send your girlfriend shopping, close the blinds, secure that belt around your neck, and enjoy.
Is it me or I think that I might not be a good thing to put these chicks on a pedestal.. For one they think they’re a lot hotter thane hat they really are (not good for my chances). Two it increases their chances to become an annoying “Instagram Model” or “Bottle Girl” which goes hand in hand with problem no. 1 and by association they develop into more Intern Sandys, which is not a good thing.
8 years ago at 8:33 pmchicks have been the center of attention since theyre 15 years old this is nothing new
8 years ago at 9:18 pmnumber 23 shouldnt be on this list.sorry
8 years ago at 11:10 pmnor should 18 and 8 and 3
8 years ago at 11:11 pmWhat about Rachel bush?
8 years ago at 11:28 pmKimberly jester from auburn
8 years ago at 11:47 pmWhat do I do with the other 59 minutes and 43 seconds I told here to leave for?
8 years ago at 7:51 amGirl #36: That dog in the window gets it
8 years ago at 8:14 amI’m hard as a diamond…oink oink
8 years ago at 7:22 pmThe back fat on Lexi should exclude her from comsideration. WTF
8 years ago at 5:42 pm