Ron Paul challenging the other candidates to a 25 mile bike ride at 76 years old. TFM.

    1. ImBarneyStinson

      “He’s not actually retarded you guys, it’s just that he has an IQ of 22…”

      13 years ago at 2:48 am
  1. better_than_you

    Tell ya what Ron, just hop on the bike and keep riding untill the election is over so the republican nominee can have your votes to help us beat obama.

    13 years ago at 12:50 am
    1. ichooseyouPikeachu

      “Beating the democrats” should not be the overall goal of any conservative citizen. Modern presidential candidates seek only one thing, power. They seek to either enslave the citizens of this country through the work-ethic destroying addiction to welfare or by the fear mongering of warfare. What we need is not a Republican president, but a republican president. A president who will not make America great but allow America to be great. I’m convinced that man is Ron Paul.

      13 years ago at 1:50 am
    2. Frattapalooza

      Thank you for a half way intelligent comment, they’ve become rare around here.

      13 years ago at 8:07 am
    3. PhiKappaFratstar

      You don’t know what your talking about. In online polls Ron Paul beat Obama by a bigger margin than newt or mitt. Newt will never get elected, and Mitt Romney will get p’owned by Obama in debates. Ron Paul is overlooked by the mainstream media or he would be winning primaries. Go slob on Romneys cock you ignorant liberal fuck.

      13 years ago at 9:36 am
    4. The White Bobby J

      You must be confusing TFM with your world of warcraft membership with that vernacular

      13 years ago at 10:17 am
    5. SixInchInseam

      It’s true, either Ron Paul or Obama will be president. At least Ron Paul
      Should be taking most of the West and liberal states in the primaries.

      13 years ago at 1:50 pm
    6. Frattapalooza

      PKF… your right… online polls. The vast fucking majority of “online pollers” are coffee shop liberals. Hardly anyone over 30 (the conservative stronghold) participates in that bullshit. Obama dominated the young vote, and Paul has nothing but the young <30 vote. You, like a complete fucking idiot jump to conclusions over meaningless statistics that are purposly published to make "the ignorant herd of people" jump to false conslusions about political momentum.
      Sixinch, your a fucking oatmeal brain as well… Obama may be POTUS again, Paul has a zero chance… he has <1% chance on gaining either the Republican or democratic nomination… at best, he can run as an independent and garner 8-15% of the vote, totally fucking the party that he most affiliates with and is currently running for the nomination in. Ron Paul has clearly got the best domestic social issues of any of the 4 remaining (huge fan of it). If you can't clearly see that his foreign policy stance is abismally fucked up… You have unsolvable issue. It is in the US's best interest to have military presence, free trade, political authority and close domestic relations in many areas around the globe. I don't like anyone running for pres, but Paul has no clear solutions to the economy, Rommney does, and NOONE is a known bomb thrower like Paul is. Too much risk, not convincing enough he has the ability to offset the problems he's likely to create… addy rant

      13 years ago at 2:58 pm
    7. CharlesPTMoore

      Honestly, Ron Paul has turned into what Ralph Nader was. He will likely run as a third party candidate and take away votes from the Republican candidate (Nader took votes away from Gore, but you get what I’m saying). Honestly, I hate the two party system but if conservatives seriously want to beat Obama come November, they need to either nominate Ron Paul and spin his beliefs to correlate to more traditional conservatives or go with Mitt Romney and hope that libertarians will settle over another four years of Obama. Its naive to think that either of them will win without the full support of the Republican Party and the conservative voter base, which is currently divided because all these shitheads are too busy running negative campaigns against each other and turning all voters off from politics.

      13 years ago at 3:35 pm
  2. Frat_Sinatra

    Bicycles are fucking gay and have nothing to do with being a president of our great nation. Ron Paul is the equivalent of piglet. He has great input and everybody likes him, but he will never rule the 100 acre wood.

    13 years ago at 9:52 am
    1. Fraticus2014

      You, sir, are a moron. No shit bicycles have nothing to do with the presidency, it is to show he is in good enough health to BE president without people worrying about him croaking. Now, in the words of PhiKappaFratstar, “go slob on Romney’s cock you ignorant liberal fuck.”

      13 years ago at 9:58 am
    2. The White Bobby J

      “p’owned” is also in the words of that guy. Let’s try to steer clear from using his terms

      13 years ago at 10:19 am
    3. Frat_Sinatra

      OK, you’re right. I looked at it differently and I will take a lap on that, but fuck Romney. He is a candy ass bitch. Also, I am not a ignorant, liberal fuck.

      13 years ago at 12:10 pm
    4. Frattapalooza

      Romney is the only one that can verbally abuse obama on the spot in a debate. Everything will be about the economy this election, and Willard will fucking destroy him when he says “fair share , job creation, stimulating tax cuts” He obviously knows business and economics, and is the only one that can use facts, reason and numbers to rip barry apart. I don’t like him one bit, but he’s the only that will consistently be able to exploit obama’s failed policy and offer a better one.

      13 years ago at 3:09 pm
    5. Teddyhands

      ^incorrect. Dr. Paul is a living treasure trove of economic knowledge. Romney is talking points.

      13 years ago at 4:38 pm
    6. Bromotion_SeeMeLetGo

      Yeah, Romney is gonna totally destroy Obama in a debate about the economy. He voted for bailouts and instituted universal healthcare in his home state. What a conservative…

      13 years ago at 6:53 am
  3. PhiGamma

    Am I the only one that is depressed that Obama is going to be president for another 4 years?

    13 years ago at 2:15 pm
  4. yontcare

    It’s a shame Ron Paul isn’t getting as much attention as he deserves. I like Newt and Romney but I don’t see them beating Obama. Ron Paul WILL win the election if he is the nominee.

    Ron Paul is a true American because is actually follows the fucking Constitution. FUCK!

    13 years ago at 3:42 pm
    1. Lee

      Ron Paul is that brother in chapter that everyone hates because he insist that every decision follows bylaws, even though it actually helps to follow them.

      13 years ago at 9:28 pm
  5. CopeNslayin

    Everyone on this site has a new favorite candidate every week. First it was Perry, then Romney, briefly Newt, yet always intermittent with ass backwards Paul supporters.

    13 years ago at 6:23 pm
    1. InModWeTrust

      That should say something to the GOP. That all the other candidates experience a roller coaster, but Paul remains consistent. He has a very large constituency that needs to be listened to. If they’re ignored, the GOP will probably lose this election.

      13 years ago at 3:15 am