I Believe We’ve Found The Hottest Sorority In The State Of Michigan

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    1. DarkoM

      The sorority girls at State are: middle class, overuse white strips, tan until they turn orange, and always major in advertising or psych. They hit their physical peak at 19-20 and it’s all downhill from there. After graduation 75% of them will move to Lincoln Park Chicago, where they work a bullshit job for some company you’ve never heard of. They will continue blacking out, hooking up with State grads and add ten pounds to their frame. Three years later they likely settle for a balding State grad, because no guy with a peer education in Chicago would settle down with a drunken and stupid Spartan.

      10 years ago at 6:26 am
      1. DarkoM

        I speak facts. I counted like three that are actually attractive. The rest are just skinny and orange with average faces. MSU Phis are broke basic girls from places like Jackson, Sterling Heights and Kalamazoo. They’ll get a degree without studying, move to Chicago, gain weight, sleep around with randoms, wonder why they can’t find a boyfriend (hint: everyone in Chicago knows they’re MSU girls are retarded) and then settle with a guy they know from State.

        10 years ago at 12:20 pm
      2. cjspilla23

        Wow, haven’t read anything so off base in a while. The sorority girls at MSU are so hot, are almost exclusively from the Detroit suburbs, and definitely stay to be smoking hot wives. I live in Chicago and there are so many fine MSU girls my age who live here and have great jobs. A high percentage of them also move to California.

        The girls from UofM are mostly either gross stuck up bitches from the East Coast, or gross feminist artsy chicks from the West side of Michigan. The guys from UofM are losers like you who are giant assholes that nobody wants to be around. The girls from MSU won’t hook up with you and your angry little friends because you guys are pudgy little bitches obsessed with where you went to school and denigrating others. Every other Big Ten school hates UofM grads because they have little man syndrome and are huge pricks.

        10 years ago at 9:06 am
  1. TrustMeImPre_Med

    God fucking damnit intern I thought you figured out how to put it all on one page. You better be doing bows and toes all night or something for fucking that up.

    10 years ago at 5:08 pm
  2. Fratwurst Sausage

    Multiple web pages? What kind of bush league shit are you peddling here, Intern?

    10 years ago at 5:10 pm
    1. Dillon Cheverere

      The quality here is easily on par with, or better than, every southern sorority we’ve posted outside of a few from Florida.

      10 years ago at 5:21 pm
      1. schoolboy_brew

        absolutely right, they don’t recruit ugly girls. at all. MSU undergrad here I’ve seen it first hand!

        10 years ago at 7:56 pm
  3. AlrightAlrightAlrightt

    Who allowed you the jurisdiction to make such a bold claim, you fucking intern!?

    10 years ago at 5:19 pm