I Don’t Appreciate Soccer, Here’s Why

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If you are among the 99.99 percent of people who are blessed with the ability to use your legs, congratulations–you already possess the basic, necessary skills to play the game of soccer. There are no real skills to acquire. There are only basic, bodily movements to refine. I have several issues with the game, but this is my main beef.

I’ve never played an organized game of soccer in my life, but take me out to the yard right now, kick a ball to me, and I’ll kick it right the fuck back. Want me to punt it? I’ll punt the shit out of it. Ask me to dribble it, and I’ll dribble it good enough. Boom. I’m a soccer player. I might not be all that good, and I might get gassed pretty quickly if I was playing in an actual game, but I’m out there, and I’m doing it. And I won’t even look stupid. Why? Because I walk, run, and kick like a normal, coordinated person who grew up playing sports. That’s all the game truly entails–basic movements of your limbs over an extended period of time, the same basic movements you learn as a toddler.

Conversely, you put a baseball bat in Lionel Messi’s hands and put him out there against an average NCAA pitcher, and he’ll look like a complete fool. Hand Cristiano Ronaldo a 7-iron and point him toward a green, and you’ll see that he’s out of his element before the club face even strikes the ball. You challenge Clint Dempsey to hit a 15-foot J with a hand in his face, and I’d bet my car he’ll miss it. The same goes for hockey and, to a lesser degree, the real kind of football.

I mean it. I can blend in on the biggest stage soccer has to offer. Out there among the very best in the world, you wouldn’t be able to differentiate me from soccer’s elite with the camera panned out. First of all, I’m relatively fit, so I’d pass the initial eyeball inspection. Throw a jersey and some shin guards on me, and I’d look like the rest of these soccer turds. Like a flanker hovering on the outskirts of a street brawl who doesn’t intend to get in the mix, I’d run around and follow the action from a safe distance, as to not get found out a total fraud.

I won’t score. I won’t run up and down the field at a steadily quick pace. I won’t fit a perfect pass through a tight window. I will actually provide zero value whatsoever to my team. I’ll blend, though.

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A casual observer wouldn’t pick up on my shortcomings. If the ball comes to me, I’ll pass it right away. Easy. Defense? No problem. I’m athletic enough to stay in front of my man with a sizable cushion. And if anyone comes uncomfortably close to me, I’ll flop and flail around on the ground like I was sniped by a crazed fan in the upper deck–like a giant soccer vagina.

Look at these idiots. Flopping isn’t merely a problem of the game. It’s become an accepted and integral part of it–and sometimes the only way to break a tie after an exhilarating 80 minutes of scoreless action.

Soccer is simply boring as fuck.

  1. MeVeryAsian

    I found this article to be fairly entertaining in all honesty. This article is steeped in sarcasm, the over simplification of soccer (which is one of the most physically taxing sports on earth) is meant to get a rise out of the general public. The fact that Chad Ochocinco got laughed off of the pitch at Sporting KC should tell the public that the sport is plenty difficult. Obviously, the writer is not on Ochocinco’s level in terms of athletic ability so I leads me to believe that was done in jest. It’s a wind up article…nothing more.

    10 years ago at 5:55 pm
  2. CasualBlackout

    This could quite possible be the worst article I’ve ever seen. Dorn is now the Skip Bayless of TFM.
    I don’t think he quite gets that soccer is just as much a mental game as it is physical. Dorno clearly lacking at least one of those faculties. Better luck next time Skip.

    10 years ago at 6:11 pm
  3. JustForTheStory

    While I personally don’t like soccer simply because one flop can change the course of the entire game, the article is retarded on it’s most basic level. I would say a sport such as rugby requires a lot less acquired skills than soccer.

    10 years ago at 6:23 pm
  4. MasterOfCoin

    You guys are acting like the man insulted golf. The last time you guys were on a soccer field you won a participation trophy

    10 years ago at 7:13 pm
    1. Women and whiskey

      Thank God I finally found someone who isn’t butt hurt like a little bitch.

      10 years ago at 8:34 pm
    2. WilderThanVan

      Actually it was two state championship titles and I can’t mention how many more golds in foreign leagues after that. But yeah, golf, that shit is way more demanding.

      10 years ago at 2:54 pm
  5. TX__Srat

    As a collegiate soccer player, I would formally like to tell you to go fuck yourself. And normally I’m too polite for that language.

    10 years ago at 7:18 pm
  6. ThinkThereforeFRAT

    To me the point is as simple as: It’s harder to spot a beginner at soccer compared to someone who is a beginner at another sport, when you consider the great amount of difference that small movements make in soccer and how zoomed out from the players the perspective is which would make it even harder to notice the amount of skill and nuance.

    10 years ago at 7:34 pm
    1. Women and whiskey

      Someone actually gets it. Jesus Christ, he may have made a few duller points that could easily be taken the wrong way, but still it wasn’t that big of a fucking deal compared to how everyone seems to be taking it.

      10 years ago at 8:37 pm
  7. ThinkThereforeFRAT

    To say you could blend in for an entire game is a bit much but this article doesn’t deserve this much flack.

    10 years ago at 7:36 pm
  8. thisdude

    This article has inspired me to become an olympic diver, since jumping into a body of water is also a very natural human movement. Look out, Tom Daley!

    10 years ago at 7:51 pm