I Don’t Appreciate Soccer, Here’s Why

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If you are among the 99.99 percent of people who are blessed with the ability to use your legs, congratulations–you already possess the basic, necessary skills to play the game of soccer. There are no real skills to acquire. There are only basic, bodily movements to refine. I have several issues with the game, but this is my main beef.

I’ve never played an organized game of soccer in my life, but take me out to the yard right now, kick a ball to me, and I’ll kick it right the fuck back. Want me to punt it? I’ll punt the shit out of it. Ask me to dribble it, and I’ll dribble it good enough. Boom. I’m a soccer player. I might not be all that good, and I might get gassed pretty quickly if I was playing in an actual game, but I’m out there, and I’m doing it. And I won’t even look stupid. Why? Because I walk, run, and kick like a normal, coordinated person who grew up playing sports. That’s all the game truly entails–basic movements of your limbs over an extended period of time, the same basic movements you learn as a toddler.

Conversely, you put a baseball bat in Lionel Messi’s hands and put him out there against an average NCAA pitcher, and he’ll look like a complete fool. Hand Cristiano Ronaldo a 7-iron and point him toward a green, and you’ll see that he’s out of his element before the club face even strikes the ball. You challenge Clint Dempsey to hit a 15-foot J with a hand in his face, and I’d bet my car he’ll miss it. The same goes for hockey and, to a lesser degree, the real kind of football.

I mean it. I can blend in on the biggest stage soccer has to offer. Out there among the very best in the world, you wouldn’t be able to differentiate me from soccer’s elite with the camera panned out. First of all, I’m relatively fit, so I’d pass the initial eyeball inspection. Throw a jersey and some shin guards on me, and I’d look like the rest of these soccer turds. Like a flanker hovering on the outskirts of a street brawl who doesn’t intend to get in the mix, I’d run around and follow the action from a safe distance, as to not get found out a total fraud.

I won’t score. I won’t run up and down the field at a steadily quick pace. I won’t fit a perfect pass through a tight window. I will actually provide zero value whatsoever to my team. I’ll blend, though.

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A casual observer wouldn’t pick up on my shortcomings. If the ball comes to me, I’ll pass it right away. Easy. Defense? No problem. I’m athletic enough to stay in front of my man with a sizable cushion. And if anyone comes uncomfortably close to me, I’ll flop and flail around on the ground like I was sniped by a crazed fan in the upper deck–like a giant soccer vagina.

Look at these idiots. Flopping isn’t merely a problem of the game. It’s become an accepted and integral part of it–and sometimes the only way to break a tie after an exhilarating 80 minutes of scoreless action.

Soccer is simply boring as fuck.

  1. SwayzeCrazy

    This article actually made me dumber. Just because humans instinctually know how to walk doesn’t mean they can pick up soccer. I had a very athletic friend try to join our high school team for senior year, and he couldn’t go within 10 yards of the ball without looking like a moron, and it got exponentially worse if he actually got the ball. If you can walk without looking like Walt Jr. from Breaking Bad you can go out on a football field and tackle someone. And unless you have near Usain Bolt speed or can run a 4.3-4.4 forty yard dash, you’d be looking at your man’s ass (if not throwing up after running for 5 minutes). I’m certain that many of these guys also have better golf games than you because they make millions upon millions more than you and can afford to go fuck around on a nice course until they get decent (you wonder why golf is the only sport where the most out of shape, fat-asses can play? It’s because it takes no athletic ability, just consistent playing to become decent).

    God damn it, Dorn

    10 years ago at 8:06 pm
  2. Abe_Froman

    Remember when you also said you could play on Team USA’s OIympic basketball team? Haha

    10 years ago at 8:14 pm
  3. ItsAllAboutTheSouth

    While this article was ridiculous, I do agree with the premise of not respecting soccer as an entertaining sport. However, if nothing else, you have to be really in shape to run that much for 90 minutes, it’s not easy. Still boring and European, though.

    10 years ago at 8:23 pm
  4. PSKallday7

    Soccer (noun): the sport you play when you realize you don’t have the athletic ability to hit a baseball, get tackled, or shoot a basketball.

    10 years ago at 8:54 pm
  5. 147896321

    Bullshit aside, this article does want me to put my Eng 101 skills to use. Having played baseball and soccer my entire life, it’s tempting to go through every line of this article and explain why it’s wrong.

    10 years ago at 9:12 pm
  6. pkgumby

    Dorn, your argument is based around “blending in” which is complete horseshit. As soon as someone runs at you with the ball and realizes how shitty you are at keeping up, the entire strategy of the opposing team would revolve around exploiting that gigantic weak-spot; i.e. they would continue to run at you and humiliate you.

    It is true that 1 bad player on a team does not necessarily mean defeat. However, if 11 of you were to play against the shittiest team in the World Cup, it would be the most lopsided defeat in international sports history. You would be crushed by a margin of 40 or more goals.

    10 years ago at 9:13 pm
  7. UpsidedownBackwardsVisor

    Ironic he put a Kanye gif at the end because this rash, hard-headed, dumb shit reminded me a lot of him.

    10 years ago at 9:18 pm
  8. RagingMegaHugeBoner

    In all honesty…who would look like more of a retard… A professional baseball player playing soccer for 2 minutes or a professional soccer player at the plate for one at bat? The answer is easy and I think that is the point Dorn is trying to make. Yes soccer is not an easy sport to be really good at, but if you take any decent athlete and put him out on the soccer field he will be somewhat competent. Now I know Dorn over stepped his ground saying he could step in and play in a World Cup game, but that doesn’t mean he’s completely wrong. I only played soccer when I was really young, but was able to go out with a couple of my soccer buddies and was decent enough to hang with them fairly easily. I wasn’t good by any means, but I doubt any of them could walk up to a batters box and hit an 85 plus mile an hour fastball or a halfway decent 12 to 6 curveball.

    10 years ago at 9:23 pm
    1. SwayzeCrazy

      Take a couple cuts at the ball or strike out looking… does the soccer player look that out of place by striking out, MLB players do that 7 out of 10 times. Put an MLB player on the field with Real Madrid vs. FCB pass him the ball and tell him to dribble 10 yards and then make a 15 yard pass…

      I’ll give you a hint, the MLB player would look a hell of a lot more stupid… People who haven’t played soccer before look like they have severe cerebral palsy when they go out there and try to dribble, pass, or shoot the ball for the first time

      10 years ago at 8:17 pm
  9. jayou15

    Geez didn’t know so many damn grass fairies came on TFM. Hitting a major league pitch is the hardest action in all of sports for the idiots saying kicking a ball is just the same.

    10 years ago at 9:32 pm