Idiot Penn State Fans Plan To Dress Up As Joe Paterno For A “Joe-Out” Game Against UMass Saturday

Not even two weeks after the NCAA reinstated the Nittany Lions into bowl eligibilty so they can be a real college football team again, Penn State fans managed to make their way into the news–by trying to honor the coach who led them for more than 40 years before the child abuse scandal ravaged his legacy.

The plan is to have a “Joe-out” during the football game against UMass on Saturday. Students, alumni, and fans who want the school to honor former coach Joe Paterno will dress up like him, or do something that blatantly shows they support him.

Here is what the leader of the movement says, via Centre Daily:

He will forever stand as a great founder of our university, shoulder to shoulder with Atherton, Beaver, Pattee, Sparks and more. There will be other coaches, other presidents, other trustees and great men in Penn State’s future, but that does not mean we should forget this one man, who made Penn State great. My family and I eagerly await the future — but we will never forget to honor Joe,” said Susan Beck Wilson.

This is a tough one, Penn State fans. On one hand, it seems unfair to judge a man for one mistake he made in a tenure that lasted nearly half a century. On the other hand, Paterno fucked up. Bad. It’s worse than Ray Rice. It’s worse than Adrian Peterson. Paterno had an opportunity to curb the continued child abuse, but opted instead to do nothing. It’s, like, the one thing where you looked at media outrage toward Penn State and thought, “Yeah, that’s a pretty reasonable response.”

It’s hard to pretend Paterno isn’t a part of Penn State history, but you have to. All of Penn State’s administrational decisions to disassociate itself from Paterno are the reasons why you can give scholarships again, and why you are bowl eligible in the first place. Do you think the NCAA wants fans parading around Beaver Stadium in Joe Pa’s thick glasses, protesting to get his statue back? Hell no. The NCAA wants this shit to go away.

Can you imagine how awkward it would be for new coach James Franklin to have to deal with all this Paterno nonsense? We know Bill O’Brien hated it. That’s probably part of the reason he bailed. You never want to be the dude who follows a legend–especially a polarizing one.

So, Penn State fans, get drunk on Saturday. Throw on your favorite Pat McGroin jersey. Do all of the cool shit in Happy Valley I saw out of my hotel room one Friday night when I stayed there in eighth grade. Then go to the game, cheer on your team, and move the fuck on. It’s time.

[via Centre Daily]

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  1. Minnesota Nice

    You should change that statement that says, “Paterno did nothing” to “Paterno didn’t do enough.”

    It is well known he reported it to his superiors, which was his duty. Clearly, he should have done more and told the authorities in this situation.

    10 years ago at 12:47 pm
    1. SteveHolt

      reporting the rape of a kid in your facility to your superiors and not to the police/leaving the rapist on staff constitutes a “he did nothing.”

      10 years ago at 1:06 pm
      1. 30RackFrat

        It was reported up and through the administration, and Paterno had contact with campus and State police on multiple occasions. You’re vastly overlooking the role that Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett, then PA Attorney General, played in the matter. Not only did he delay the judicial process on two documented accounts by throwing out charges in hopes of protecting votes to land the governorship and maintain state funding, but he also never sought the help of then Gov. Rendell for resources at the time he originally became aware of the problem as AG (some 4-5 years before it was made public). The whole scandal is a prime example of administrative failure all the way to the top, yet the Paterno family continues to be burdened with unfounded guilt because Joe was the most relateable and well-known figurehead that the media could scapegoat. Tom Corbett’s fat ass couldn’t sell headlines; Joe Paterno’s 406 wins and previously untarnished legacy could. Don’t forget Paterno’s last public words were, “I wish I would have done more,” which I can assure you, were meant with the utmost sincerity.

        10 years ago at 2:02 pm
      2. Minnesota Nice

        Great post with a lot of information that even I didn’t know. I believe it supports my original statement, so this one is for you Helmet:

        10 years ago at 2:13 pm
      3. gamma_what

        Go read the most recent ncaa rules regarding how to report situations of this nature. You’ll see some parity between what Joe did and what the ncaa wants people to do

        10 years ago at 10:12 am
    1. Manderson

      I don’t think Paterno is in the wrong here. I agree with Minnesota Nice, he should have done more, but at the same time, Paterno grew up in a time when that sort of shit was swept under the rug and nobody mentioned it.

      10 years ago at 1:08 pm
      1. Manderson

        ^That’s my general comment, not a reply to you (I fucked up). My actual reply to you is that you are an idiot for thinking Paterno was the pedophile.

        10 years ago at 1:11 pm
      2. JustForTheStory

        Things that also happened in the past that were viewed as acceptable: lynching blacks for whistling at a white woman, Prohibition, slavery, Jewish programs, cutting off thieves’ hands for theft, etc. Dumbass.

        10 years ago at 2:00 pm
  2. stonewalllee

    While we’re at it let’s change the Redskins’ name, give Sterling the chair, and confiscate all the Stars and Bars. This isn’t the place I’d expect to read about the pussification of America.

    10 years ago at 1:10 pm
  3. Alpha Frata Hoe

    We don’t wanna hear your political correctness bull shit on here! Get drunk dress up like Joe and as the Great Stone Cold Steve Austin says “Arrive Raise Hell Leave”

    10 years ago at 1:24 pm
  4. Carl Spackler_

    I know it’s not the entire PSU fan base in support of this (and it may just be a vocal minority) but the people holding all of these Paterno rallies are delusional. Seriously, can’t they just be happy the NCAA lifted the sanctions and call it a day?

    10 years ago at 1:29 pm
  5. Carl Spackler_

    If they do a real “Joe-Out”, UMass should benefit, because it’ll be awful quiet in that stadium. HEEEYYOOO!!

    10 years ago at 1:37 pm
  6. 1734

    Fuck the NCAA. Fuck all the haters. Joe Pa was a hero who fell victim to slander after his death. The man never had a chance to state his case and as such will always be a hero to me and all other penn state alum. Also did I mention fuck the NCAA? Fuck em again. The sanctions were bullshit in the first place.

    10 years ago at 1:39 pm
    1. DirtyJobsWithMikeBro

      Yes, fuck the governing body of football for punishing a team who knew boys were being diddled by one of their own and did nothing about it. Those bastards. Also fuck them for reinstating that same team early. Those bastards.

      10 years ago at 1:51 pm
      1. 1734

        Fuck the NCAA for fining penn state $60 mill and essentially shutting down the 4 major academic departments funded by football for 4 years. They don’t give a shit about what happened or about students/student athletes. They care about saving face and making money.

        10 years ago at 2:15 pm
    2. BlackoutBrother

      No offense to him, but he seemed to state his case pretty loudly by his inactions

      10 years ago at 2:00 pm
  7. DirtyJobsWithMikeBro

    I honestly think that history will overlook Paterno’s indiscretions. He’s too big of a figure to have his legacy marred.

    10 years ago at 1:46 pm
  8. 30RackFrat

    This is an enormously stupid decision on behalf of Penn State fans. But don’t get it twisted – the main reason PSU had sanctions rescinded is so that the NCAA and the BIG10 wouldn’t have to deal with the media and PR nightmare if the Nittany Lions actually shape up to be the best team in the conference this year. Based on the way their opponents have played so far, it could very well happen. The NCAA could in no way, shape, or form, justify not letting the team play in the post-season if they attain a bowl-worthy record despite the sanctions levied. It’d be embarrassing.

    10 years ago at 1:52 pm