Idiot Runs Onto Course During Race, Attempts To Race Horses

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Besides each other, jockeys had another competitor to worry about last Saturday–a moronic fan.

England’s Leicester Racecourse was the scene of one of the most bizarre horse racing events to occur in recent memory. Near the end of the race, jockeys were forced to steer their horses toward both edges of the track in order to avoid an idiot who decided to race them down the final straightaway. Thankfully, TV crews were there to capture the entire, hilarious moment.

After completing the race, the man jumped back over the fence and into the crowd, where security detained him.

Race officials promptly banned the man from every racecourse in the country, ending his reign of terror with swiftness.

From Leicester Mercury:

“Our security guys grabbed him and threw him out. We have some excellent footage of him which we’ve had blown up. If you know him, you’ll know him.

“He is banned with immediate effect from Leicester racecourse and every other racecourse in the country by the Race Course Association.

“I hope he enjoyed himself because it was his last chance to do it.”

Ignore the haters, buddy. You’ll be neck and neck with California Chrome in no time.

[via Leicester Mercury]

Image via YouTube

  1. O.A.Hazebrook

    Putting yourself in a position where others question how you were able to get there in the first place. TFM

    10 years ago at 11:49 pm
  2. PiKappaPhindMyDick

    “how is he even allowed to get into that position?” asked about you. TFM

    10 years ago at 4:14 pm