Illinois’ Lambda Chi House Raided By Cops, 7 Members Arrested On Drug Charges

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Cops usually blow. Minor in possession, open container, public intoxication, indecent exposure, urinating in public–you name it and those guys will nail you for it. They’re the ultimate party crashers, and when you see those blue lights outside your window, you might as well call it a night. However, the University of Illinois Police Department seems to hire some pretty cool dudes.

Last week, just before the first day of finals, the university’s police department gave a group of Lambda Chis a great reason to skip their finals. However, they’ll have to pay for it for at least the next 10 years, as the police threw them in lock up.

The five-O raided the house following a yearlong investigation, during which, several members of the fraternity sold various drugs to informants. Wrapping up what started in April 2013, the officers forced their way into both the fraternity house and another remote house, where several other members lived. They discovered a plethora of illegal substances.

In total, seven guys were arrested following the raid. One of those guys, Michael Genovese, is particularly fucked–the cops found enough illicit narcotics to slap him with a potential 30-year prison sentence. In his room, police found what equates to nearly 400 doses of MDMA. They also discovered 22 hits of LSD, along with a bunch of empty gelatin capsules.

The other six guys were charged with a collection of misdemeanors and felonies.

From The News-Gazette:

– Lukas J. Korte, 21, for possession of less than 15 grams of cocaine, a Class 4 felony.
– Matthew Daum, 21, for possession of a cannabis pipe, a Class A misdemeanor.

Just to add insult to injury, most of the brothers arrested are also reportedly seniors who would’ve taken their final exams and graduated.

Felonies don’t look good on résumés, boys.

[via The News-Gazette]

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  1. blacked_out562

    A marijuana pipe is a class a misdemeanor in Illinois? And here I thought Texas laws were bad…

    10 years ago at 5:34 pm
    1. Dick_Nixon

      Irony at its best. You couldn’t even properly put the gif. in the comments section. You blew it.

      10 years ago at 10:57 pm
  2. TheBetter

    An hour down 57 the cops at EIU are talking about smoking blunts and not busting anyone during Unofficial unless they pass out in the middle of the street or start breaking windows of shops. Sorry U of I guys, guess it’s just the luck of the draw whether you get Todd Storm-types or laid-back ones.

    10 years ago at 6:05 pm
    1. L_M_N_O_buttP

      I’d take a PI during my college days and a degree from U of I any day. Your EIU diploma isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

      10 years ago at 6:48 pm
      1. gfs98

        Hey at least we don’t pay $25,000 plus a semester for that piece of paper. Sounds like you guys really made it out on top.

        10 years ago at 7:38 pm
  3. Fratastic_Mr_Fox

    If this Michael Genovese of the University of Illinois is anything like his family out on the East coast, he’s fucked either way. That name carries a lot of baggage along with it in organized crime circles.

    10 years ago at 6:14 pm
  4. beerbong_in_my_pants

    This is why you should always leave your pipe with a bowl full of tobacco

    10 years ago at 6:15 pm
  5. moot

    Not to mention the cops raided other houses but not really finding anything significant.

    10 years ago at 6:17 pm