I’m Not Entirely Sure How To Check My Privilege


“You need to check your privilege.”

My bet is that you have heard that phrase at least 40 fucking times over the course of the last three years. But what does it mean? Well, I don’t think anyone is expressly sure what the exact implications of that phrase are. It is most commonly used in reference to white males in regards to their supposed favorable standing in the eyes of the institutions of society. Sort of like a “cup check” to ensure that Caucasian males are aware that they receive the most flattering consideration when facing the challenges of life. Well, I am a white male, and I recognize that society treats me differently than men of different ethnicities and women of all skin colors. So where in the fuck do we go from here?

What should I do? I’m not going to apologize that the world responds differently to me than to other people because that shit has absolutely nothing to do with me. I can’t help that people are more likely to lease me properties because they assume things about my finances/activities as a result of my skin color. I also have no recourse to protest that I’m favored for job opportunities over other people because of my ethnicity. I just live my fucking life. Everything that the world associates with my presence or me is an outcome that I have no ability to change on my basic human level. So I’m both aware of and acknowledge my “privilege,” but I have zero idea how to “check it.”

I understand that the eventual goal is to have society regard everyone who deserves the same recognition with the same respect, but telling a generation of young men that they have an inherent set of gifts that gives them an unfair advantage and are therefore shit bags is not the best way to go about reaching that goal. I am not a jack ass, I see the blatant injustice and inequality and am angered by it just like you are, but I’m still at the point where I’m just trying to live my life. I am aware that I cannot possibly know the difference between my treatment by society as a white male and another man’s of another ethnicity, but I refuse to be vilified for something I have not done.

My “privilege” isn’t something I devised in my living room one day in a grand scheme to oppress minorities and women to the point where I own society. As a millennial male born long past the time of segregation and slavery, I wasn’t raised to believe I am inherently better than another individual based on my skin color or sex. I was brought up to understand that education and hard work were the keys to a happy life, not to use my inborn privileges to my advantage.

I have not heard a single individual of the “check your privilege” movement suggest something concrete that would result in a tangible change in society. There must be a reason that white privilege exists, so why don’t we root out that cause and start a change from the ground up. I feel like I’m riding a fucking merry-go-round from hell whenever I’m told to check my privilege. My personal thoughts following that declaration usually include, “Fuck you, I did not do anything in the womb to make myself inherently superior, why don’t you take it up with the motherfuckers who created the image of favoring one specific sex and ethnicity in the first place.”

The elevation of other sexes and ethnicities should not come at the expense of white males. Men don’t need to be brought down a peg in order for others to gain equality. There is enough room for everyone to be given an even playing field in this great country. So before the next time someone says, “check your privilege” to another person, be damn sure that there is a way for that privilege to be checked. Otherwise, it becomes an incredibly useless refrain that falls upon the ears of individuals who have no idea how to acknowledge it.

  1. MalcolmSex

    The only color capitalism sees is green and if you are a black person who is more productive than a white person and will generate more revenue for a firm, you will get hired.

    8 years ago at 12:30 pm
    1. CerysLambert

      I get paid 85 bucks hourly for freelancing. I never thought I can manage to do it but my good friend is making 10000 dollars each month by doing this job and she recommended me too check it out. Try it out on following website, you have nothing to lose… http://goo.gl/FyGCBy

      8 years ago at 12:37 pm
    2. Bush Light

      But with firms bragging about winning awards for diversity, you just know they minorities at a much higher rate. Put 2 identical resumes together for a black and white person and you know they will hire the black person just for the sake of diversity. Same goes for college acceptance. They have no idea how “privileged” the minority community has become in the past few years. They get the benefit of the doubt 99% of the time now. Also, can someone tell me why the fuck they ask if you’re LGBTQRSTUV on job applications? It’s clearly to bring in a more “diverse” workforce. The cards are stacked against the majority at this point.

      8 years ago at 4:15 pm
      1. MalcolmSex

        The left only cares about diversity of color, gender, or sexual preference. Not diversity of thought.

        8 years ago at 5:43 pm
      2. DonnySterling

        I mean, actual, ya know, evidence would suggest otherwise since they’ve literally done a study based on what you just said and they hired the white sounding name almost twice as often.

        8 years ago at 10:16 am
      3. Franta Clause

        I mean I feel there are plenty more black guys named Michael than jaquizzz and Michael does sound more business like

        8 years ago at 6:01 pm
  2. Cartier

    Great stuff.

    This buffoon ‘director of marketing’ dishrag at work says something about privilege all the time. As if you aren’t privileged to have a job with zero quantifiable metrics or, you know, live in America.

    8 years ago at 12:50 pm
  3. Booze_Hound

    Love that grandex is allowing politically incorrect content on their website. Although I have to disagree. Due to affirmative action a black candidate is more likely to get hired. Looking at public universities, 57% of the student body are women, and 60% of the student body at private universities are women. Directly out of college a single women makes more money than males in the same field. And according to the Princeton review black and Hispanic students receive 230 bonus points on their SAT. Where Asians are penalized 50. If their is any privilege, it comes from being any ethnicity but white or Asian. In regards to public perception, a well dressed and spoken person will receive respect no matter what.

    8 years ago at 4:26 pm
    1. TheOnlyAsian

      Since you brought up AA, I feel the need to to vent about how AA is a terrible way to “diversify” our country. No longer will I be silent. As an Asian-American, I’m proud to live in such a nation that enabled my parents to start from nothing and actually make it. They raised me to study from the ripe age of 5 so I can one day carry on the Chen dynasty. However, once it was time to apply to college, I realized how fucked up and one-sided Affirmative Action is. I had good grades, SATs, and extracurriculars (violin, chess, typical Asian shit) and yet I was not considered good enough for a decent state school (I hope everyone can taste the salt coming from my balls). I realized that because of AA, universities can set quotas that limit the number of minorities allowed in each class. Although it may seem to help African Americans and Latinos, it destroys the hopes of many well-abled and competent Asian-Americans, who were taught from birth to work hard, simply because “there’s too many of y’all”.

      In hopes of creating a diverse society, AA attempted to create “equal” proportions of minority groups in schools, regardless of your skills and academics. How can we consider this “equality” if the work ethic of one person is inherently valued differently than someone else’s? So Booze, you’re absolutely right. If I and an African-American were competing for a job with equal skills and resume, I can bet my girlfriend’s life that the employer will hire the African American simply because it’ll look more impressive. Ain’t that some bullshit? Fuck affirmative action. You want equality? Try implementing policies that pertain to ALL minorities.

      8 years ago at 7:12 pm
      1. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

        I still vote for eliminating race, gender, etc. entirely from job/college applications.

        8 years ago at 7:31 pm
      2. TheOnlyAsian

        I’m seriously considering changing my name to Chika Adetokunbo from Kenya when I apply to med school

        8 years ago at 8:03 pm
  4. ImHereForTheGangbang

    Privilege is earned.

    Men earned their privilege by fighting in wars and inventing virtually everything.

    Whites earned their privilege by creating the most productive economic and political systems in the history of civilization, and by not constantly being criminals who kill each other over dumb shit.

    So yeah, I “checked my privilege”, and it checks out just fine. Thanks for asking.

    8 years ago at 7:02 pm
  5. HeresanIdea

    Hello, I’m glad you are reaching out and asking this question! From what I can tell you understand the concept of privilege, and how people like you and me benefit. The phrase “check your privilege” can often ring hollow when people expect you to take the responsibility of educating yourself on what that means. Many people in places of privilege choose to take on the roll of an ally to marginalized groups. I encourage you to research what that means. Here is a link to a site I found from a quick google search! http://www.scn.org/friends/ally.html

    8 years ago at 5:22 pm
    1. Gummybearsandscotch

      “I have not heard a single individual of the ‘check your privilege’ movement suggest something concrete that would result in tangible change in society.” The streak continues.

      8 years ago at 8:58 am
  6. Midwest Dad

    It’s weird, I’ve never received a deal at the check out counter using my white privilege discount card

    8 years ago at 5:37 pm
  7. NutsnBolts

    White Privilege is not knowing what other ethnicities go through and how they are treated by society, which we can’t do shit about other than treat everyone with decency. SJWs can pull this stick out of their snarky little asses, but they won’t because they want somebody to blame to feel better about themselves.

    8 years ago at 7:32 pm