Instagram Babe Of The Day: Brooklynne From Oklahoma University

Meet Brooklynne, from Oklahoma University.

If you are a girl that wants to be our featured Instagram Babe Of The Day, email your name, Instagram account, and school to (not .com).

    1. randomblackchick

      1st of all, I’m reporting your comment. COMPLETELY inappropriate, racist, and uncalle for.

      Secondly, I could easily be one and I’m being modest… However, I’m classy, get enough attention from all types of guys irl and am not an attention whore so I would never do something like this… Lol

      Not even saying this girl is an attention whore but this whole thing is a little desperate-looking and cheesy imo.

      10 years ago at 2:20 am
      1. randomblackchick

        Why, because I don’t have to take half naked pics for a bunch of randoms to know im attractive and feel valited? I have long thick curly hair, perfectly soft sunkissed skin, luscious lips, cute dimples and a textbook hourglass body and have never been called anything less than an 8/10 irl. Guess what? I didnt have to get a nose job, wear layers of makeup, get a tan, and get boob and butt implants to achieve it, so I get enough male attention irl without having to take a bunch of pics with filters and obvious myspace angles to know I’m genetically gifted…

        Oh, and I’m not going anywhere. So deal with it.

        10 years ago at 12:07 pm
      2. randomblackchick

        One more thing: the hate on black girls here is really getting old… White guys hit on me even more than black guys at this point which is why the comments on this site about black women are so confusing and frustrating, lol

        10 years ago at 12:12 pm
      3. randomblackchick

        Oh, and I don’t have to make stupid duck faces or get lip injections to make my lips look pouty and kissable, because they are naturally. I thank GOD for my black, white, an Native American genetics. Seriously, it’s like I won the genetic lottery.

        10 years ago at 12:25 pm
  1. buddahsmcmansion

    a pageant girl that also feels the need to self submit herself for IGBOD, I see zero potential issues here.

    10 years ago at 1:24 am