Instagram Babe Of The Day: Kylie From University Of Arizona

If you are a girl that wants to be our featured Instagram Babe Of The Day, email your name, Instagram account (set to public), and school to (not .com).

Meet Kylie, a Gamma Phi Beta from the University of Arizona.

Love Arizona summers… Not

A photo posted by kylie orlando † (@kylieorlando) on

  1. Sir Fratinald

    Ok I think we can all agree that the brunette on the far left in the cover photo is hotter

    9 years ago at 2:45 pm
  2. Frat_Pack_It

    Gentlemen, I’ll post this here since the communists took our forums. We all joke with each other but I sincerely love the entire Greek community. May you all have a happy Independence Day and God bless America

    9 years ago at 10:33 am