Instagram Babe Of The Day: Madison From Texas State University

If you are a girl that wants to be our featured Instagram Babe Of The Day, email your name, Instagram account (set to public), and school to

Meet Madison, an ADPi from Texas State.

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

A photo posted by Graz (@round_of_a_graz) on

  1. Bernanke is a Hebe

    I find the notion of an upper-middle class sorority girl from Texas wearing an oversized tank and Texas flag norts throwing up the rock hard sign underneath “reckless abandon” to be absolutely, unintentionally hilarious.

    9 years ago at 12:10 pm
  2. Colonel Reb forever

    I know that mischievous smile. She would make your life a living hell and not give it a second thought.

    9 years ago at 2:49 pm
  3. SuperSpy1897

    You know we’ve been spoiled by IGBOTD when we see a girl like this and go, ‘meh.’

    9 years ago at 10:15 pm