Iowa Basketball Player Punches Internet Heckler After Confrontation In Iowa City Bar

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Athletes put up with a lot of shit. Most athletes ignore the “You suck dick dude” tweets and the predictable tweets people shoot out to injured players, like “their must be something stuck in you’re vagina you pussy.” Nothing good can come from acknowledging their stupidity. In fact, some athletes can barely keep themselves out of trouble on Twitter without any help from douchebag fans. Thankfully, there will always be a few athletes willing to strike back, and when it undoubtedly goes poorly on their behalf, we’ll have something else to laugh about.

Zach McCabe, a former basketball player at the University of Iowa, seems to let a fan to get a little too far under his skin. Back in February, a man named Kase Heuermann tweeted at McCabe following an Iowa loss to Wisconsin, telling him he sucked. Shortly after that, Iowa’s head coach banned the team from using Twitter, because McCabe couldn’t handle the criticism from Heuermann–and a handful of other fans–and reacted poorly.

This past Friday, security footage caught McCabe arguing with a woman at an Iowa City bar. An unnamed man then entered the picture and attempted the separate the two. McCabe punched him in the face and left the bar, blowing the man a kiss as he walked away. At 12:02 a.m., Heuermann sent the following tweet to McCabe:

Police believe McCabe threw the punch at 12:10 a.m.

Someone later asked Heuermann if he was at the bar at the time of the incident. His response?

The details leading up to the incident are still unclear, and we’re not sure if the tweets are even relevant to the matter. However, we do know for a fact that McCabe was arrested last Friday and charged with assault causing bodily injury.

While McCabe is definitely in the wrong for punching the idiot, the keyboard warrior will hopefully leave his Internet taunting days behind after receiving the force of a 6 foot 7 right hook to the jaw.

Control yourselves, idiots.

[via Deadspin]

  1. commentsonwrongpost

    Not going to school and ugly as shit. Well, she doesn’t have a lot going for her.

    10 years ago at 12:25 pm
  2. mosthonorableactive

    If I ever meet one of you fuckers on the TFM staff, I’m taunting you until you swing

    10 years ago at 7:42 pm