Iowa State Runs Out Of Dorms, Makes Students Live In Common Areas

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First, Iowa State dropped the bomb that it is officially ending VEISHEA. Students are still visibly shaken due to the end of this century-old tradition. Now, the news out of Ames is that the school plans to make students live in common areas.

From KCCI News 8:

The Des Moines Register reports that nearly 12,500 students signed up to live on campus this fall. University officials are now planning to build another residence hall due to the record number of housing applications.

More than 400 students will temporarily live in makeshift dorm rooms set up in the common spaces of residence halls. The university also leased space in several apartment buildings to house over 1,000 students.

UCF might have put students in closets, but at least closets have doors. At Iowa State, 400 kids will live in giant common areas like it’s the local YMCA during the Great Depression.

Iowa State says an increase in enrollment is responsible for the dilemma.


[via KCCI News 8]

  1. Manderson

    Here’s what’s fucking going on at Iowa State:
    The school doesn’t know how to turn people away. Instead it’s like, “Oh, you want to come to ISU? Well sure! Bring your shit, bring your family, bring your friends, bring everything! We might not have space for you..or food..but fuck it!” They have bought out Legacy (student apartments that housed some great parties), and turned those into dorms. They tore down like, two blocks (one being a part of the “campustown”) to build student housing (probably dorms), and they’re trying to buy any and all land that they could maybe build dorms on.

    Also, last year the city of Ames found some problem with the zoning laws for fraternities and sororities, so we either had to fight it, or we would become listed as “apartments”, which I’m sure the school would have put more students in since our buildings were no longer “exclusive”.

    Oh, yeah, and now we don’t have VEISHEA anymore. Fucking great.

    10 years ago at 8:34 am