Iowa State tailgates. TFM.

  1. K_hands17

    Iowa state having to drink because their football team is arguably the worst team in the big 12. TFM.

    9 years ago at 3:25 pm
    1. Wilson the Volleyball

      Forgot about Kansas bro, that shitshow is the worst D1 team period

      9 years ago at 5:42 pm
  2. I Love All Races <3

    I laugh at people who think flyover
    States like Iowa arent for poor people.

    9 years ago at 5:52 pm
    1. Rose1802

      The south is for poor people, yet produces a small class of extremely wealthy people. Do you think this is unique to the south for some reason?

      8 years ago at 10:31 am
  3. mossy

    I just feel the need to make it known that I had to scroll through 4 ads just to get to the first actual photo, and then when I opened it, another ad popped up.

    8 years ago at 2:33 am
  4. Henry_Eighth

    Yes, we know. Iowa State tailgates suck. You don’t have to keep posting these to show us how badly they suck. We believe you.

    8 years ago at 6:34 pm