J.J. Watt Has No Clue How To Spend His $100 Million, Googles “What Do Rich People Buy?”

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J.J. Watt is arguably the best player in the NFL. During the offseason, he inked a hefty six-year, $100 million contract extension with the Texans. Sunday, Watt proved to be worth every penny as he constantly blew up the Redskins’ offense, mercilessly tormented the emotionally fragile corpse of Robert Griffin III, and even threw in a blocked extra point for good measure.

Watt is now being paid appropriately for the premier player he is, but he has no clue how to spend all that coin.

Watt Googled “What do rich people buy?” but he was apparently unimpressed. He plans to stick to his hardworking, blue-collar nature.

J.J., if you ever change your mind, here are a few ways to quickly spend that cash:

1. Get married with no prenup.
2. Have kids with multiple women.
3. Have an entourage that’s full of Turtles and Johnny Dramas.
4. Open up a sports-themed restaurant.

Of course, you could just watch the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary “Broke” for plenty more foolproof investment ideas.

Image via vidme

  1. Makers__Mark

    OJ Simpson could give him some solid advice, on investments and staying out of legal trouble

    10 years ago at 12:25 pm
  2. JordanBelfort

    5. Fund the TFM movie, then make a cameo where he comes out of nowhere and throttles an unsuspecting Dorn who is passing out candy at an elementary school playground.

    10 years ago at 12:32 pm
    1. SharkWeekTFM

      I hope you’re frarking (frat shark joking). That guy is sooooo not frarl (frat shark cool) anymore.

      10 years ago at 1:25 pm
  3. TheRealSpooner

    5. Drinks for everyone at the Kollege Klub. Russell and Montee can come too.

    10 years ago at 1:37 pm