Japanese Cookies Claim To Make A Woman’s Breasts Larger, Are Disappointing Lies


A Japanese food company claims to have created a cookie that will make a woman’s breasts grow in size. The cookies are called F-cup Cookies. Sadly, a Japanese F-cup is not the same as an American F-cup. The conversion chart from Japanese to American breast sizes says an F-cup is equivalent to a DD American cup size, though, so those are still some big ol’ titties. This product seems perfect–a woman eats these magic cookies and bam! Now she has big boobs. Sounds like the best post-breakup sad snack ever. However, the sneaky Japanese marketers at F-cup Cookies left out some key points about the big boob cookies that might hurt their business.

The key ingredient used in the cookies is called Pueraria Mirifica, a plant extract from Thailand. This fatty substance is also used in another eatable breast enhancer called Bust Up Gum. It seems the Japanese really want their women to have bigger boobs, but really, who can blame them? Unfortunately, the chemicals in the ingredient make the whole body fat. Nutritional experts say eating these cookies will not only make your breasts larger, but your butt, legs, etc. will get bigger, too. Cookies that make you fat? Those are just called COOKIES, Japan. Jesus Christ. Eating these cookies will not give you Pamela Anderson breasts. Instead, a woman could end up looking like the gargantuan fat ass mom from “Honey Boo Boo.”

[via UPI]

  1. Fratty Werbenjagermanjensen

    At least the Japanese are trying to take action for the common physical problem among Asian women: small tits

    10 years ago at 4:12 pm