Openly Gay Pro Athlete Is Member Of Kappa Alpha Order

Kappa Alpha Order, teaching acceptance and equality since 1865.

If you missed it, NBA center Jason Collins revealed to SI‘s Jon Wertheim that he is gay. Collins, a 12-year veteran of the NBA, was a member of Kappa Alpha Order’s Alpha Pi chapter at Stanford University, assumedly a terror in intramural leagues back then.

Truth be told, I was more surprised that Jason Collins was still in the NBA than I was that he is a homosexual. I mean, I haven’t heard the guy’s name in years. He’s past his prime, and even in his prime he wasn’t exactly a dominant player.

Blocking sissy layups, backing dudes down in the paint, playing rough-em-up defense, and banging down on anyone in his way — those were never facets of his game. He was always kind of a soft player in my opinion, and he possessed a beautiful rainbow jumper that he would drop in over helpless defenders. Sure, he had his role on the team, and performed his duties well, but Collins was never the kind of player to throw the team on his back and carry them all the way to the locker room. He has always been a great locker room guy, though.

Good on you, Jason Collins. The decision to come out was undoubtedly a difficult one. The man is all class and will likely prove to be an inspiration to others.

[via Sports Illustrated, Wikipedia]


  1. FrattMcConaughey

    Good for Collins and sports. However, next…which TFM writer will come out as gay? Odds are one is. He set the standard, gentlemen.

    12 years ago at 3:35 pm
    1. TeBro Fd Your Mom

      ^I’d like to see you say that to Collins, boy. You can hide behind your computer but it just means you’re a pussy, pal.

      12 years ago at 9:11 pm
    2. Neds Older Brother

      ^^Odds this kid is going to stranglebate to death while watching RuPaul’s Drag Race?

      12 years ago at 9:23 pm
    3. TeBro Fd Your Mom

      ^ How? Not being a bigot makes you gay? Please let me know when your IQ is above 7 and you don’t fuck your sister.

      12 years ago at 9:30 pm
    4. Idiot Savant

      “TeBro Fd Your Mom” is about the most creative name I’ve seen on this website. I’m sure he made some nice macaroni pictures the other day too.

      12 years ago at 1:50 am
  2. guywhowearssperrys

    My uncle is an alumni from that chapter and he told me that they were always more diverse than most KA chapters.

    12 years ago at 3:40 pm
    1. guywhowearssperrys

      I sure hope they all wore sperrys I wouldn’t want to have to disown my uncle.

      12 years ago at 4:02 pm
    2. the sauce

      Wait I’m confused.. What about Cole Haans? Since I wear those does this mean I’m not actually a member of my fraternity:(

      12 years ago at 7:14 pm
    3. guywhowearssperrys

      ^Unfortunately yes, to be in a fraternity you have to wear sperrys. Khakis and a polo doesn’t hurt either.

      12 years ago at 9:04 pm
  3. Richard Head

    Sad to see that TFM has become a bastion of left-wing tolerance. Yay for political correctness!!!

    12 years ago at 3:40 pm
    1. Dillon Cheverere

      I don’t care about being PC. I just happen to not be bothered by homosexuality. It doesn’t affect me.

      12 years ago at 3:46 pm
    2. FreedomandFratting

      I thought your column was funny, Dorn. Maybe spared a few jokes I would have made, but overall good. It is the comment section that is bothering me.

      12 years ago at 3:52 pm
    3. Richard Head

      My comment was more inspired to the last few lines partnered with the reactions to the comments. Anything hinting against a full endorsement of this media stunt receives multiple, “Take a Lap” votes. Honestly, I couldn’t personally care less who the man decides to have sex with in his personal life, the point is that the clientele of this website has clearly become increasingly liberal. This is both surprising and disappointing, but what can I say, ours is the moronic generation who got Obama elected twice.

      12 years ago at 3:53 pm
    4. Dillon Cheverere

      ^^ Why do you assume homosexual acceptance is a liberal-only stance? I’m conservative, very much so even, but I have no problem with the way gays live their lives as long as they’re upstanding members of society and pay taxes.

      12 years ago at 3:58 pm
    5. Richard Head

      Being pro-gay anything is a socially liberal stance, and my biggest two problems with this story are the fact that it is nothing more than a media stunt to increasingly desensitize the American people to homosexuality in general, as well as the backlash in the comments. Like I said, I couldn’t care less what two consenting adults do behind closed doors. The problem is that stories like this are purely for show, as well as to crucify anyone who dares to speak a differing opinion. These are the advanced stages of the pussification of our great nation and I know I speak for the solid core fan base of this website when I say that things like this aren’t considered “Frat”, nor do we want to hear about them. I still appreciate the website as well as your ability to write columns, I am simply a disappointed customer, Dorn.

      Now watch as I get attacked for speaking my mind by the new found liberal members of this website.

      12 years ago at 4:11 pm
    6. Dillon Cheverere

      “it is nothing more than a media stunt to increasingly desensitize the American people to homosexuality in general”

      It’s a big story because America is largely intolerant, at least in sports. The reason TFM reported on it is because Collins was a fraternity member.

      Don’t try to fit this into an agenda when it’s not intended to be.

      12 years ago at 4:21 pm
      1. Hummel609

        Dorn when you say you’re bothered by gays you’re really just trying to avoid awkward encounters with your homosexual colleague. Shit gets real and you come across two guys hooking up you’d definitely be bothered. Fuck PC.

        12 years ago at 9:02 am
    7. Richard Head

      That is not what I am attempting to do, but I fully stand by that quote. However the fact that you even use the word “intolerant” is part of the problem. The left is “intolerant” of my political views, not that I really give a shit.

      By media, I meant the mainstream, left-wing media and didn’t mean TFM. I come to this website to read right-wing satirical reporting of news and hilarious columns, and some occasional rush boob action–as do most real patrons of the site. I am not inferring that TFM has any hidden liberal agenda, nor will I. My grievances are, as previously stated: the reaction in the comments, and that this was even a story. I understand that the guy was a KA but I just don’t want to hear about it from a website I use to practice escapism from the actual left-wing media.

      12 years ago at 4:35 pm
    8. War Damn USA

      ^^^,^^ This is a pointless argument. You both seem to argue that you believe in respecting other’s opinions; however, you both seem very intolerant of what each other have to say and are only arguing to try and have a pissing contest in front of a bunch of fraternity guys online. This is a parody website, and I came here to laugh not read about who is and isn’t gay.

      12 years ago at 4:46 pm
    9. Richard Head

      My point was made, I’m done arguing. Oh and your last sentence is accurate. Go Dawgs.

      12 years ago at 4:52 pm
  4. TrickleDown

    Well, it’s official. TFM has become politically correct and, by proxy, not funny.

    You didn’t even make a gay joke? Come on. This site is full of liberals.

    12 years ago at 3:44 pm
    1. Dillon Cheverere

      “You didn’t even make a gay joke?”

      Did you really skip the entire 4th paragraph?

      12 years ago at 3:48 pm
  5. 7Sperrys7boats

    Good on you for coming out publicly, and thank you Dorn for showing him respect.

    12 years ago at 3:45 pm
  6. FreedomandFratting

    Okay…typical satirical TFM comments are now being scored negatively? Since when are fraternities equal opportunity? Last time I checked, fraternities were not based on equality and acceptance for all…so what is up with being PC all of a sudden on this website? I’m no homophobe or biggot, but pretending a fraternity is politically correct and tolerant of all is pretty hypocritical.

    12 years ago at 3:46 pm
    1. Sic Semper FRATannis

      Nice username to comment ratio.

      “Rabble, rabble, Freedom! Unless I don’t like it!”

      12 years ago at 3:56 pm
    2. Douglas MacArthur

      The thing is freedom is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself. When you have no end and make freedom your ultimate goal, anything goes.

      12 years ago at 4:09 pm
    3. physicalconservative

      (I know this wasn’t about gay marriage, but I’ll have my rant anyway)
      Freedom doesn’t deny the reality of an absolute right and wrong. Tolerance is fine, but there are certain lines that shouldn’t be crossed, culturally speaking. If it was really about freedom and equality then the gays would be pushing for government to get out of marriage. But it isn’t about those things. Its about forced acceptance and moral relativism.

      12 years ago at 4:13 pm
    4. Douglas MacArthur

      I’m going to amend my agreement by stating that freedom doesn’t deny the reality of an absolute right and wrong if freedom is used to attain a goal. When freedom is the ultimate goal, there is no basis behind the liberties given in the name of freedom, and morally relative ideals will be supported under the false guise of freedom.

      12 years ago at 4:29 pm
    5. The Grammar Nazi

      It’s just a basketball player who likes to suck some dick. You guys need to shut the fuck up.

      12 years ago at 4:36 pm
    6. physicalconservative

      ^This guy gets it.
      In order for there to be true freedom, there must be corporately held standards of right and wrong, otherwise we are destined to be enslaved by whatever primal urge popular culture is disguising as freedom.

      12 years ago at 4:37 pm
    7. OurHero

      ^^you’re one of those smarty arty kids, ain’t ya? You make A good point though so I’ll cease my trolling for now.

      12 years ago at 5:29 pm
    8. FreedomandFratting

      My comment was not made towards you, Dorn. It was simply stating that people are getting their panties in a wad over the usual comments made on this site, such as “Being gay. NF.” etc. That is why I specifically mentioned the comment section. Also, what did my comment have to do with freedom? I just stated a fact, most fraternities are highly exclusive. This website is clearly a funny, satirical website and the comments are meant to be funny and satirical as well. No need to get serious all of a sudden because we are talking about a serious social issue. By the way, Sic Semper Fratannis, you can take that bullshit somewhere else. I never said I did not support gay marriage. I said I do not support the comment portion of this website becoming some type of forum for political correctness where all of the typically funny comments are being chastised for being insensitive. As long as it is not spewing hatred, bigotry, and makes people laugh, let it stand.

      12 years ago at 9:25 pm
    9. Willy and Waylon

      ^,^^^^^^. I’m gonna stick to the arrows, since you both said that better than i could have.

      12 years ago at 2:04 am
  7. cleavage

    I can care less about his sexual orientation. But the Tebow effect he will have on Teams that want to sign him now might not because they don’t want to deal with all the media.

    12 years ago at 4:03 pm
    1. Dillon Cheverere

      I think this announcement was coordinated with the end of his career. He only played in a handful of games this year. I believe he’s done.

      12 years ago at 4:14 pm