The legendary composite. TFM.

  1. william fratner

    its too bad Sig Ep doesnt have a legit pledge period. at least around here, you get drunk, you sign your dirty bid, then you’re in.

    14 years ago at 3:17 am
    1. Get It Right

      These guy sobviously pledged, the year is ’92 and they are upper classmen. Balenced Man started after they had joined…

      14 years ago at 2:04 pm
  2. Everyday is Fraterday

    JMU being 65% female = FAF. Hottest girls this side of the Mississippi.

    14 years ago at 11:40 am
    1. James Fratterson

      JMU definitely has the hottest girls in Virginia, TFM. But the girls down South are easily way better.

      14 years ago at 11:17 pm
  3. Frt Hrd

    Balanced Man = 4 tiers of membership = 4 semesters of pledgeship

    The Hazing Has Begun

    14 years ago at 12:22 pm
  4. Chazz Michael Michaels

    I am a SigEp and I will go ahead and say nationally we blow. I was one of few of the real traditional chapters left (SEC). Don’t let the balanced man fags tell you otherwise, they don’t know what hazing is. Points for a creative composite however.

    14 years ago at 12:41 pm
    1. JQ

      Even I admit that there are a lot of other “different” chapters of my own fraternity, but this post is not very becoming of you or your local chapter.

      14 years ago at 4:21 pm
    2. Broklahoma State

      if OSU sigep is from Oklahoma State then your house is NF its a double wide and everyone makes fun of you and calls you instabros. The only sorority that will do anything with you is KD cause the like metro’s for follies. Sorry man. If your not from Oklahoma State then I hope you had a pledgeship. If not. Read this again

      14 years ago at 8:07 pm
    3. The Mad Fratter

      The BMP is hazing drawn out over 2 year. Way to be a jeed and hate on your brothers

      14 years ago at 9:15 pm
    4. Fred Fratstone

      It’s a shame that you would go against your oath and obligations and say something like that about any of your brothers no matter where they are from. It is also shameful that you don’t know the earliest ideology of your own founders. One of the main reasons for the BMP was to bring back the most traditional of thoughts from its earliest times which included good deeds and dedication to the chapter and community without the drawbacks commonly associated with pledging. Beleive it or not several other fraternities’ original beleifs are fairly similar but we stick to our traditions best which is something you should take pride in. Maybe a trip to the Zollinger would help you out.
      VDBL to ALL brothers!

      14 years ago at 3:36 am
    5. Fred Fratstone

      By the way that statement was not meant to be slandering of pledging at all. Just a simple history lesson of what our first traditions were more or less

      14 years ago at 3:41 am
    6. C. A. Jenkins

      as a traditionally pledged Sig Ep from FSU balanced man is just on paper. The founders, ideals, songs, and virtues are drilled every day. Instabro’s are a myth. We give letters to the guys who earn them.

      14 years ago at 12:30 pm
    7. How great thou frat

      Go fuck yourself broklahoma state? What house are you? Osu sigep SWEPT every category in follies got 3rd in homecoming an has been in the top four houses for intramurals in the past 5 years or so. We only do things with KD? Look on campus and see all our PR shirts girls wear next semester.

      14 years ago at 8:27 am
    8. marcus fratimore

      I’m a sigep at app state and we were traditional until a few weeks ago when we got the boot. it’s a shame nationals is coming down on our chapters across the country mainly the south. Not a fan of any balanced man chapters

      14 years ago at 9:16 pm
  5. fratacious

    Good composite.. but if this Sig Ep chapter is anything like UGA’s then it just makes the whole thing GDI.

    14 years ago at 3:04 pm