Bet on horses at the derby based on their names alone. Duncan McFly won me $75. TFM. Anonymous15 years ago
Broseph Stalin how is that a TFM you idiot? you go to JMU anyway so your pretty much just a GDI..what a joke. 15 years ago at 6:06 pm
Southern comfort Nice. Love throwing money at things for rediculous reasons…especially at the derby 15 years ago at 10:16 am
how is that a TFM you idiot? you go to JMU anyway so your pretty much just a GDI..what a joke.
15 years ago at 6:06 pmDude that place has a 60/40 girl to guy ratio…TFM
15 years ago at 10:04 amJMU has fraternities?
15 years ago at 9:22 pmNice. Love throwing money at things for rediculous reasons…especially at the derby
15 years ago at 10:16 am