Johnny Football, Justin Bieber, And The Cops – Last Night In A Sentence

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Johnny Football does a lot of things that make me jealous. He parties with really hot girls. He makes a shitload of money. He plays football as his job. He hangs out with Justin Bieber.

Wait, what?

The former Aggie standout–who left college early only to end up in the only city shittier than College Station–was caught hanging out with the Biebs at JB’s house in California during his one-month hiatus between NFL mini-camp and training camp.

If you listen closely, you can hear the collective groan of the Browns offensive coaching staff, who will have to deal with 1,000 more questions about the new face of the NFL’s favorite landfill franchise.

Biebs uploaded some selfies to a strange selfie app that apparently exists. Here is the evidence:

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Supposedly, the night ended with the cops (per usual). No one was arrested, but either Manziel is trolling the national media or he is running out of cool things to do.

[via CBS Sports]

Images via Shots, Twitter

  1. eoufratdaddy

    “…he is running out of cool things to do.” Still cooler than my Monday Nights.

    10 years ago at 11:28 pm