Johnny Manziel Continues Summer Domination, Is Caught Rolling Up Dollar Bill In Bathroom

The big news is that Johnny Manziel was captured on camera rolling up American currency (presumably featuring a photo of Benjamin Franklin) in a restroom over the holiday weekend. Having spun cash into straw form many, many times, I’m aware of only one reason for doing so, and that one reason is getting down with snortable drugs. The cell phone photo below was sent in through our tip line, posted yesterday evening by Busted Coverage, and will undoubtedly be seen everywhere from ESPN to TMZ in the coming hours.

Manziel Getting Down

Photos of Johnny in the same outfit, with his chain untucked and his gray t-shirt, hanging with Playboy’s Miss Social, Dallas Parks, surfaced on Instagram as well. I assume these two photos are from the same night, but, knowing Johnny, I guess it’s possible that he was on a 3-day bender and didn’t care enough to change shirts.

In Johnny Cocaine’s defense, getting fucked up was at the top of a short list of things I cared about when I was 21 years old, followed shortly thereafter by discovering new ways to get fucked up, and chasing hot girls. The world was my oyster, and I was going to puke all over that oyster and laugh about it. But I wasn’t a world class athlete, signed to Nike, drafted by the Cleveland Browns, or under the constant observance of every paparazzi and cell phone-wielding jackass from here to Timbuktu.

I’m all about giving people time to learn from their own mistakes, but this latest string of inexplicably unintelligent decisions, like hanging with Justin Bieber, is making me nervous for Money Manziel. I’ve been down the road of giving so few fucks that nothing could stop me. You’re reading a column written by a man that once tested positive for cocaine use in a court-ordered drug test that he was aware of weeks beforehand. Unlike marijuana, which can show up in a piss test for a month if you’re smoking like Wiz Khalifa, cocaine can exit your system in just two days. You have to be really, really stupid to fail a piss test for blow use (I was doing it the night before, still really sorry, Mom and Dad).

It’s a dangerous path the man formerly known as Johnny Football is going down. Entertaining? Hell yes. But dangerous nonetheless.

When I was literally and figuratively blowing it on the reg, I eventually pulled my head out of my ass and got my shit together. Unfortunately, Johnny doesn’t have the luxury of time. Not if he wants to remain a quarterback in the NFL, anyway. But maybe that’s not at the top of the short list of things he cares about. Maybe he thinks his odds of longterm success in the NFL are slim, and he’s hedging his bets to make sure he has a shit ton of celebrity friends no matter what happens on the field. Maybe all he cares about is raging with the Biebs and Drake, and making unknown hot girls famous simply by being photographed with them.

It’s his life, and nobody has the right to tell him how to live it, but the success he has earned so far is his to either build upon, or squander. I’m still rooting for the guy, but he has to be smarter than this, or, at the very least, do his dollar bill rolling in a bathroom stall with a bodyguard standing at the door to make sure nobody with a freaking iPhone ruins his career.

(Annnnd as I typed this, TMZ broke the news that Manziel was pouring drinks behind the bar at Rooftop on 6th Street in Austin, Texas over the weekend.)

  1. USArmy

    I can’t applaud his behavior, and deem it FAF or TFTC. His behavior was funny and goofy in college, but as a first round drafted QB, he needs some better judgement. I’m sure the suits in Cleveland are not pleased. Get your popcorn ready. This thing is beginning to spiral out of control.

    10 years ago at 11:12 am
      1. GreatLakesFratMove

        Last time I checked Tim Tebow had all of those and more. He failed in the NFL.

        10 years ago at 5:47 pm
    1. StarShieldandLamp

      I see no wrong doing in his behavior, anyone remember Richie Incognito and the videos the surfaced after his Miami Dolphins scandal? That’s how the media spins these things, everyone knows sports celebrities are out on the town partying it up, I mean really who wouldn’t. The minute their name is on the news and they become a “household name” for all the wrong reasons is when everyone jumps on that bandwagon trying to show the negatives. It’s bullshit, Johnny keep on being Johnny just make sure you perform on the field or you’l be out of a job. Simple as that folks.

      10 years ago at 11:23 am
      1. USArmy

        I don’t see Andrew Luck, Tom Brady, Russell Wilson or Drew Breed doing any of these things. They are solid QB’s. There weren’t subjective pictures posted online before their first pro snap. It might be fine for other people in his age bracket. However, they aren’t NFL quarterbacks. They aren’t trying to lead an NFL franchise to the Super Bowl. It’s obvious he has never been required to answer for his actions. His feet have never been held to the fire. I don’t want to see him fail. I want him to have some self awareness, then let his talking be done on the field.

        10 years ago at 11:37 am
      2. FreedomandFratting

        First of all, I don’t get why Manziel is being so stupid about his partying ways. Stafford, the #1 overall pick in the 2009 draft, spent almost every single night of his college career getting black out in bars around Athens. Hell, even after he was drafted he used to come back to the Classic City and throw down. Now “Bomb or Bust” Stafford didn’t have a Heisman to his name, but he still managed to get fucked up every night and land 41.5 M guaranteed. If you ask me, Manziel needs to take a few notes.

        10 years ago at 12:00 pm
      3. were_not_that_drunk

        i think that’s painting with a broad brush. this isn’t as simple as “just perform on the field”.. the NFL is more about their brand then any other major sports league. that’s why they have extremely hefty fines when it comes to drug use or getting in trouble with the law
        (i.e. teammate Josh Gordon). Considering he just signed a huge contract with Nike as well, he shouldn’t be so fucking stupid and constantly have people taking pics of him doing stupid shit that will get him in some serious trouble. if ESPN or any other major news source runs with this story and picture Nike would take some serious heat. He’s lucky his even dumber teammate Josh Gordon keeps fucking up his career day by day and that ESPN’s only focus is choking down Lebron’s Free Agent dick so far down their throats that its starting to come out their ass.

        Everyone does stupid shit when they’re fucked up, Johnny. just get the god damn cameras away before you roll up a benji and hit the slopes in a club bathroom.

        10 years ago at 11:47 am
    2. ammo

      Seems to me it’s people who model their behavior after athletes who need better judgment. Last I checked they aren’t getting paid for their academic achievements.

      10 years ago at 11:32 am
  2. 1mangunshow

    I say let him do what he wants. He earned where he’s at one way or another. If the man wants to party like the world ends tomorrow then fucking let em. The consequences are his so let him be.

    10 years ago at 11:20 am
    1. TrustMeImPre_Med

      I can tell you as someone who lives in and loves the place…I understand why this is not occurring in Cleveland.

      10 years ago at 3:01 pm
  3. Hail to the Purple

    Johnny can, and should do whatever the hell he wants just like the NFL can, and should drug test him. If he tests positive than he gets suspended, goes to rehab, etc. to try and rebuild his image. If he tests negative than he can give very public “fuck you” to the paparazzi.

    10 years ago at 11:30 am