Johns Hopkins Halts Discussion To Bring Chick-Fil-A To Campus Because Of Its Beliefs
Chalk up another loss for capitalism against political correctness. Today, the sad, sad story out of Johns Hopkins where the student government approved a resolution that will keep Chick-fil-A from building a restaurant on campus, thus denying the student body of a good meal. The reasoning for all of this? Because Chick-fil-A supports the whole traditional marriage thing.
From The College Fix:
The Student Government Association there approved a resolution that called on administrators to put to a halt any discussions or plans to bring a Chick-fil-A to campus, citing the company’s support of traditional marriage and saying the restaurant, if allowed at Johns Hopkins, would be a campus “microaggression.”
“The SGA does not support the proposal of a Chick-fil-A, in a current or future sense, particularly on any location that is central to student life,” states the resolution passed by the student government, which noted “visiting prospective and current students, staff, faculty, and other visitors who are members of the LGBTQ+ community or are allies would be subjected to the microaggression of supporting current or future Chick-fil-A development plans.”
Let’s put politics aside, here. Let’s not bring up the argument of which is right. Let’s boil all this down to one simple argument: Does Chick-fil-A make a damn good sandwich? The answer is a resounding yes. There’s nothing better than getting the original chicken sandwich, side of waffle fries, 6-count nuggets, Arnold Palmer to drink, and about ten Chick-fil-A sauces.
The student government is depriving the campus of good food. For what? Because they think that the LGBTQ community will be subjected to microaggression? Get out of here. There are starving children in Africa who would kill for a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries.
[via The College Fix]
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The American way of life we love is slowly being bled to death by complete pussies
10 years ago at 11:14 amChick-Fil-A being one of them. In any cast they started this mess by getting political on us in the first place. I’m not interested in Chick-Fil-A’s stance on marriage equality, I just want my chicken.
10 years ago at 12:25 pmNot meant to troll you, Bro. For what it’s worth I did upvote you.
10 years ago at 12:27 pmRight? Church and state should be separate, and so should church and commerce.
10 years ago at 12:29 pmI really liked the part where this made zero sense, dumbass.
10 years ago at 1:17 pmYou have reading comprehension skills worse than most D-I football players, dumbass.
10 years ago at 3:45 pmWhy don’t you go be stupid somewhere else, bud.
10 years ago at 4:41 pmFat and stupid is no way to go through life.
Church and state should be separate? That bullshit didn’t even enter the American lexicon until the 1947 Supreme Court Case Everson v. Board of Education.
10 years ago at 4:34 pmNot to justify Fat Frat’s comment but that statement is false. Thomas Jefferson’s wall of separation is where the term originates.
I guess I did learn something in my poly sci 100 level classes.
10 years ago at 8:22 pmAbsolutely not you stupid fuck. I’m aware of Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists. That’s why I said the American lexicon, not Thomas Jefferson’s. Thomas Jefferson was of course in France at the time the constitutional Amendments known as the Bill of Rights were pressed by Congress and ratified by the States. His letter to the Danbury Baptist Association was a short note of courtesy, written fourteen years after the Amendments were passed by Congress. He would seem to any detached observer as a less than ideal source of contemporary history to the meaning of the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment.
Good effort.
10 years ago at 7:14 amNot sure I agree. Truett Cathy was directly asked for his position on marriage and he answered. Nothing wrong with that. It’s everyone else who took it to mean he and his company are discriminatory or bigots. He never said anything to that effect.
10 years ago at 1:02 pmWhere are you getting your facts? A basic skim read of the Chick-Fil-A wikipedia page will tell you that the company has donated millions of dollars to anti-gay causes and religious groups supporting “gay conversion therapy” by way of the WinShape foundation. This isn’t just about some offhand comment made by the owners.
Now I’m not about to boycott Chick-Fil-A like some butthurt liberal, but something tells me it might be a dumb idea for the owners of a chicken franchise to railroad themselves into the gay marriage conversation.. especially when it’s becoming increasingly clear that their side is not the one that will be looked favorably upon by history.
10 years ago at 10:02 pmLooked favorably upon by history? All this pro-homosexual nonsense is a fad. It didn’t even exist 20 years ago until liberals started to force people to accept it or be shunned.
10 years ago at 9:12 amIt only looks like a fad to you because you surround yourself with like minded people.. backwards, bible thumping, hicks who think that a few vague sentences written by goat herders 2,000 years ago is a good enough reason to deny people basic human rights.
But I assure you that literally everyone other than the fringe religious right is totally fine with gay marriage equality, and it’s here to stay. I’m sure your parents/grandparents made the same fad argument about black rights in the 50’s and 60’s. Ask them how it feels to be shamed into compliance by the rest of America. Because the same thing is going to happen to you when the rest of the country decides it’s tired of the south’s backwards bullshit again.
10 years ago at 6:33 pmReally? A fad? Do you feel the same way about the Civil Rights Act of ’64? Is giving African Americans basic human rights also a fad?
10 years ago at 9:14 amChick-fil-a didn’t take a stance on gay marriage. The CEOmade a private donation of his own money.
10 years ago at 5:26 pmHow is this comment still upvoted? Your facts are wrong and your logic is flawed
10 years ago at 4:01 amAs Americans we should never allow politics to get in between us and a chicken deluxe.
10 years ago at 5:38 pmCommunists
10 years ago at 11:19 amI hate what Starbucks believes but I still drink their coffee. You know why? Because it tastes great and I’m not a self righteous asshole.
10 years ago at 11:20 amWhat does Starbucks believe?
10 years ago at 11:28 amThe promote a variety of Left wing causes, gun control, climate scare, etc. Also, that whole race thing was annoying, but I think everyone was equally annoyed by that. Really, I don’t like it when companies take up causes in general. Just sell me your product and keep your opinions to yourselves.
10 years ago at 12:00 pmWasn’t aware. Tend to remain ignorant to a company’s political views. Thanks for following up.
10 years ago at 12:08 pmTheir loss
10 years ago at 11:25 amSick “frat” article. Really great. 5/5
10 years ago at 11:28 amFucking throw yourself into a thorn bush, jizzwipe.
10 years ago at 12:14 pmNot 10/10? Weak.
10 years ago at 1:36 pmHe just half-assed it. Kind of like his mother half-assed his abortion.
10 years ago at 9:45 pmI’m offended.
10 years ago at 11:28 amBut you’re probably a white male, therefore you aren’t allowed to use that card.
10 years ago at 3:00 amLGBTQ+? The’re adding more? How many options can there possibly be?
10 years ago at 11:31 amAs many options as they can squeeze votes and donations out of.
10 years ago at 11:50 amI’ve seen it as LGBTQA. They should just put the whole damm alphabet in at this point. or better yet go the fuck away and get off of their soap boxes all together. Fucking gays.
10 years ago at 12:14 pmThey should just stop altogether. I mean really, they don’t deserve all the rights they’re asking for anyway.
10 years ago at 12:58 pmHow the hell do you figure that ass-hole?
10 years ago at 1:13 pmBecause its fucking unnatural. They can’t even reproduce. If we allow gays to get married then what is to stop people from marrying their cats or an ice cream cone?
10 years ago at 1:16 pmIts also retarded they’re stopping people from being able to get chicken switchblades.
10 years ago at 1:17 pmI like how you’re blaming “gays” for the lack of chicken sandwiches, sorry switchblades, instead of blaming the small collation of students who did away with the restaurant coming. Or even blaming Chik-Fla-a for having a political agenda that has the potential to put them in positions like this. No matter how much BS it is they’re not allowed to be on this campus I too feel companies like Chick-fal-a and Starbucks should just stay out of social political issues. Fuck you, for old times’ sake.
10 years ago at 1:51 pmMotion to blackball this sad excuse of a waste of space
10 years ago at 3:23 pmYou mean besides the fact that cats and ice cream cones aren’t people? I really hope that’s not seriously your best argument against gay marriage.
10 years ago at 1:37 pmGays aren’t real people either so yeah its a 100% real argument.
10 years ago at 1:46 pmAlso if we’re talking biologically and evolutionarily unnatural, marriage is a completely unnatural construct. You have to only have sex with one person even though all your animal instincts are telling you to fuck as many people as you can whenever you can to spread your genes. So if marriage is arbitrary and unnatural to begin with, who the fuck cares who you want to marry?
10 years ago at 1:39 pmI do agree this Chik-Fil-A shit is stupid though
10 years ago at 1:41 pmA few things here Hogarth.
10 years ago at 1:48 pm1, Fuck You. 2, Yeah because we also don’t allow women and men who are infertile to get married. 3, Last time I checked cats cannot legally consent to anything. Ice cream cones may be able to though. 4, Fuck you again, just because 5, What is a chicken switchblade? I am curious.
“Because its fucking unnatural.” Besides your misspelling of “it’s,” Teddy is about to destroy you. Fuck the unnatural argument. Look the fuck around you. I see cars. Buildings. Elected governments. Roads. Cell Phones. Fucking SPACESHIPS. And you say gays don’t deserve rights because it’s UNNATURAL? Last I check, not one of the things I just said are NATURAL. I see no naturally skyscrapers. No animals have elected governments. Human society and social structure is unnatural. Homosexual behavior has been seen in: Dolphins, fruit bats, and dogs. So you fucking tell me this is unnatural? The very fucking computer or phone you type your idiotic, fourth grade-level response on is unnatural. They can’t reproduce? Neither can: Infertile couples, couples in which the woman has hit menopause, couples where the woman has had a hysterectomy, couples where the man has had a vasectomy. “What is to stop people from marrying their cats or an ice cream cone?” Forgive me if I’m wrong, but there is a Goddamned difference between a FUCKING ANIMAL THAT SHITS IN A SANDBOX as well as A FUCKING INANIMATE OBJECT and a consenting, adult human being that is capable of basic human logic, which as I have just shown, you seem to be unable to do. So kindly rethink your logic, because I have had a child construct a better argument for Santa being real than your pitiful excuse for denying gays the rights to marry a consenting adult that they love. Teddy’s out, bitches.
10 years ago at 2:21 pmPlaying devil’s advocate here: If homosexual marriage is allowed, shouldn’t we allow polygamy as well?
10 years ago at 6:54 pmThat’s actually an interesting question. My gut would say no, but it is wrong for me to tell someone no because I disagree with it simply on a fundamental level before hearing reasoned arguments both for and against it. The only real arguments I can think of off the top of my head against polygamy would be multiple marriages’ affects on children raised within that family, but there have been plenty of occasions polygamous families have been raised throughout history, so that may be a moot point. There could also be legal tensions regarding possessions and wealth in these large families: if it is one man and several women, or one woman and several men, does the sole spouse get more legal power over financial matters and custody? Also, parents get tax breaks when a child is born. If a man sires seven children from different wives, does he get tax breaks for all seven children while the wives only get tax breaks for the one or two kids they birth? At its core, I would think that a polygamist family would be rare in America outside of certain religious communities, if for nothing else than the extremely difficult financial circumstances a family that large would produce. If anyone has reasoned arguments supporting polygamy, Teddy would be most interested in hearing them. But leave religion out of your explanation. I want to hear non-theological reasonings to allow this. Please be civil.
10 years ago at 5:09 pmTrue, there would be complications. The argument about how children could be raised could also be used against homosexuality too – though the media loves to tout success stories from homosexual couples I believe that for a child to be raised correctly there needs to be a mother and a father. I especially think that’s true if the child is of opposite sex of the homosexual couple.
I think the government has a need to promote the family values that are needed for a child to be a virtuous republican (not the party) as well to encourage population growth, which is why there is civil marriage in the first place. Homosexuality from my perspective accomplishes neither of those and the support of such marriage seems to be purely from an emotional angle without any empirical benefits. Instead, to many people it’s a recognition by the government of legitimate immorality. You could say the same of divorce, but divorce in general was extremely rare up until recent times (post 1960’s, but I’m too lazy to look up the specific rate trend so forgive me if I’m wrong)
Of course, the liberal media has done a great job making those who oppose homosexuality look like bigoted bible thumpers (which is an oxymoron) who want to oppress people and speech like some sort of Jim Crow throwback. They’re a more crafty version of the Jacobins of the French Revolution…
Also, you might be interested to know, that TR recommended a constitutional amendment banning polygamy and suggested that it should be mandatory for monogamous families to have children (1906 State of the Union). I think he would have opposed homosexuality because at the end of the day he was a moralist and a virtue-ist in the Christian and Enlightenment sense. Even if there was proof that homosexuality is genetic, I think he would tell them to exercise self control and celibacy (as many genetically straight people do – we can’t forget that people are “born straight” too!).
10 years ago at 9:59 am*deep breath* Alright. Couple things. I’ll do this paragraph by paragraph.
10 years ago at 12:16 pmStarting with: the media loves to tout success stories with kids raised by gay parents. To an extent, I agree with you. I’m not sure how kids raised by gay parents develop, particularly with parents of the opposite gender. That said, there hasn’t been a lot of psychological research into the mental health of kids raised by gay parents. I have found studies that both say kids are mentally healthy and there are kids who are not. Yes the media at large is very liberal and is likely to tout more success stories than failed stories. I really don’t have enough evidence to say that gay parents are bad for kids. A large amount of psychological development occurs in school and among peers of a similar age, and a few studies show kids are more open with gay parents. At the end of the day though, what is most important for children is to be social with other children, and for adults to provide structure, support, and discipline.
Next: the government needs to “promote the family values that are needed for a child to be a virtuous republican (not the party) as well to encourage population growth.” What family values are those exactly? The only family values that have ever mattered to me are that the family loves each other and helps each other, as well as provides support/advice for each other and are willing to bring a family member down to size if their behavior is harming others or themselves. My father (speaking as the actual person writing this) was an asshole. His side of the family did nothing to curtail his behavior, while my mother’s did nothing but support her. He tore my family apart. He could have been gay, and I raised by two fathers, and the end result would have been the same. Family values aren’t gender specific. Love each other, support each other, and kick each other’s ass when need be. That’s family to me, and gays and straights are capable of doing it.
Also, to encourage population growth. There’s roughly 319 million people living in America. Already cities are facing overpopulation problems. Our infrastructure is crumbling faster than we can repair it, we have an overburdened healthcare system, even before Obama came into the field, and there is already extensive ecological damage caused by overurbanization. The Florida wetlands have faced tons of problems caused by increasing human populations. I went to school in Aurora, outside of Chicago, and the massive residential areas have absolutely destroyed the forested areas and wetlands that used to cover the region. Schools nationwide already have enough funding problems educating the numbers of students we currently have. We’ve got enough problems with qualified college students finding jobs that older members of the workforce don’t vacate. In fact, I honestly cannot think of a single problem that America faces that would be solved by having a larger population. China’s got 2 billion people. We damn sure don’t need that. If anything our population needs to shrink a little to allow us breathing room to solve our resource and labor issues.
“the support of such marriage seems to be purely from an emotional angle without any empirical benefits.” Speaking from a more personal angle: When I marry I girl, it’s going to be more based on emotion: as in do I love this girl?, rather than “does our marriage benefit America’s growth and general well-being?” Now granted, I want us both having jobs and being involved in our community, and us to raise kids that have good jobs as well. And really that is it. Us contributing to the economy and our community is empirical support enough for the vast majority of families in the US, so I fail to see how a gay family does any less.
“to many people it’s a recognition by the government of legitimate immorality.” I fail to see how homosexuality is any more immoral than sex before marriage, binge drinking, and general arrogant behavior, all of which which are kind of what is frequently touted in this site. And I’m ok with that. There’s already enough immoral behavior in this country. I don’t see how gays add to it.
And I’m going to end with your Bible thumping comment regarding the media. You’re absolutely right. The media portrays just about every single protestor of homosexuality as a bigoted idiot, although I don’t get how bigoted Bible thumper is an oxymoron. Anyone can be bigoted no matter their belief, including atheists. Anyhoo, yes, the media is not remotely fair in balancing the viewpoints of the two sides to this.
So, all of this said and done, I thank you, Mr. Fratasaurus, for engaging in a constructive dialogue with me. This was rather eye opening for ol’ Teddy, and gave me some new views to consider.
Ok, lets see if I can handle this all at once…
1st paragraph, I agree. A child’s development is a collective sum of their experiences and influences. There isn’t enough information one way or another to really determine what effects homosexual parents have on a kid. Maybe that’s a good thing in itself. I personally think that mentally the child may be fine, but outwardly it would be missing half of its parental development. The Yin without the Yang, so to speak. I cannot understand how a girl can grow into a respectable woman when she has 2 dads, nor a boy grow into a man when he has two moms. I feel like its different than having a single parent, because then the child might feel like they need to find ways to compensate for the lack of one parent (as I did, since my dad was kind of absent and a piece of crap). There aren’t many studies that I know of that throw the argument one way or another, but that’s my belief and I’ll stick to it even if a study disproves it.
2nd paragraph: A discussion on those family values which I eluded to is far too complex and off-topic, but whatever is necessary for a person to be raised as a good citizen and pull his or her weight in society. Families are essential to the social order of a populace and are necessary to teach children to be good people as well to transmit tradition and heritage. Historically, when the family unit breaks down, chaos among youth usually follows. One can look at the effects on the black community today (~~70% born to single parents, 70%+ born as bastards, etc. can’t remember exact numbers but they’re high) to see the effects. Yes, love and respect can be taught by homosexual parents. They can also be taught by single parents. But the overall trend and effect is what should be looked at, not specific examples (which is why I mentioned the media in the first paragraph).
3rd: Sorry, I wasn’t suggesting we should have more population growth! That has been part of our government’s goal in the past to fill in the country (and probably still is even if no body explicitly says so), but I absolute despise the current exponentially rising population for the same reasons you pointed out. I was saying that is one of the reasons why there is civil marriage in the US in the first place (NOT because of “love”). Homosexual parents have to adopt, so I’ll give them the benefit for taking care of already born children when nobody else may be around.
4th: If two homosexuals love one another, then let them live with each other and love one another. They can’t be religiously married, but religious marriage isn’t the same as civil. So it boils down to: if the government gave homosexuals civil marriage, what benefit would it give our country? They can live with one another as it is, but what good would it do for the government to recognize a “marriage” that most would see as immoral and unnatural? They can’t reproduce and have children and many people don’t think that they could raise a child as effectively, so that shouldn’t be a reason. The only thing that I could think of is property custody, but you don’t need a marriage for that. If its because of taxes, well I think I remember reading somewhere that the reason there are tax credits are for the reasons I’ve noted before in support of civil marriage. I would say just let them file a joint tax return, but then anybody who wanted to save money could claim to be a homosexual and married (and in today’s world, that wouldn’t be surprising).
5. “I fail to see how homosexuality is any more immoral than sex before marriage, binge drinking, and general arrogant behavior.”
Technically, it isn’t. Theologically,homosexual acts are equally as sinful as any other sin. And it pisses me off that people are so adamant (including myself, though I am simply opinionated about it since its currently a hot issue) about homosexuality while ignoring the rest of the things that are considered immoral.
6. Well, by the bigoted comment I was referring to how simply being opposed to homosexuality labels you as a bigot. Most “bible-thumpers” I know follow the mantra of hate the sin but love the sinner. Like the Phil Robertson comment. Crudeness and inarticulateness aside, he simply said it was wrong but followed that he still loves the person and wouldn’t judge them (not surprisingly, every reporter left out that second part). I would consider a “bigoted bible thumper” someone who legitimately hates a homosexual (like Westboro Baptist) but they are so far from mainstream Christianity possible that they should be called “Bible Abusers”.
And thank you, it’s nice to have a decent conversation about a current issue with someone who knows what they’re talking about.
10 years ago at 6:52 pmAbout to address a lot here.
I don’t see any true moral objections to polygamy. The only issues I see are the tax-break issues Teddy brought up. A pologamous relationship wouldn’t be all that different from children who have step-siblings because of divorce and remarriage.
Marriage should be based solely on a personal angle. Benefiting the country’s growth should not be of concern with something so personal. I want to support America how I can, but that doesn’t include getting married for the betterment of the country. That sounds like something I would do in mother-Russia.
“ I cannot understand how a girl can grow into a respectable woman when she has 2 dads, nor a boy grow into a man when he has two moms. I feel like its different than having a single parent, because then the child might feel like they need to find ways to compensate for the lack of one parent (as I did, since my dad was kind of absent and a piece of crap).”
I also agree that most children need a role-model of the same sex while growing up, personally I think one of both sexes is important. I understand your point how children that come from a single parent household as you do may voluntarily or involuntarily find themselves a surrogate parental figure. At the same time, I do not see this whatsoever as an argument against gay marriage because I do not see why a boy growing up with one mother would be any less likely to seek out a male role model (family friends, an aunt, a coach, neighbor, church figure this could pretty much come from anywhere) that a boy growing up with two mothers.
As far as population growth there is a lot to be said and a balance to be found. The US is a rare exception among first word countries that actually has above a replacement level fertility rate which is above 2:1 or a woman producing two children in her lifetime. While a growing population can be a problem for many of the reasons Teddy pointed out, the opposite can also be a missive roblem. Europe’s fertility rate is below 2:1, couples are often deciding not to have any kids, much less 2 or 3 like most American couples. This leads to issues of a rapidly aging population. You know what you get with this? Working age people being unable to support the retirement age people who are now living longer and didn’t contribute enough to the future working age population by having just 1 or 0 kids in their reproductive years. It also doesn’t help when countries like France flip the fuck out as even a suggested raise of the retirement age. News flash: You can’t retire when you’re 55, live to be 85, and never contribute people (or enough people ie 2 for every couple) who will be able to aid you in your 30 plus years of retirement without COMPLETLEY FUCKING your economy.
Frataseaurs, thank you for point #5. I say that regularly. I wonder if Hogarth has eaten at Red Lobster lately…
10 years ago at 2:03 pmYou the man Teddy!! Fucking facts!
10 years ago at 7:30 pmIt’s like how facebook allows people to choose “other” as a gender. Science and reason have been discarded in favor of the political correctness agenda.
10 years ago at 12:20 pmPretty sure it is scientific advancements that make ‘other’ a distinct possibility this day in age.
10 years ago at 12:29 pmAn unnecessary metric fuckton:
10 years ago at 5:00 pmThere’s a sexual preference called 2-spirit now? What kind of hippie shit?
10 years ago at 12:20 pmLook up “headmates” or “otherkin” and you’ll see how fucked up people can be.
10 years ago at 9:49 pmI work at a Chick-Fil-A, if any of you ever stop by, I’ll hook you guys up with free shit. It’ll be my pleasure.
10 years ago at 11:34 amI think you are on the wrong site champ.
10 years ago at 11:45 amI think he came to the right place
10 years ago at 12:09 pmSo taking handouts from a fast foot restaurant because you are too poor to afford it yourself is frat now? No wonder this site went to shit
10 years ago at 1:27 pmJust stop, man.
10 years ago at 1:32 pmThere is a difference between a handout and a gift slick.
10 years ago at 2:07 pmI would hate to point out the obvious, but you, sir, are an idiot.
10 years ago at 5:50 pmDamnit, now we have to buy Rowdy Gentleman apparel so you can identify us.
10 years ago at 1:06 pmYet another reason why liberals are ruining this country.
10 years ago at 11:53 amFucking liberals.
10 years ago at 11:56 am