Jon Jones To Joe Rogan On Testing Positive For Cialis: “I Have A Huge Cock, Joe”

Jon “Bones” Jones failed a doping test before UFC 200 because, he claims, prior to testing he took an off-brand Cialis pill to give him an edge in the bedroom. He describes the assistance of the noted boner pill with “it puts the twist at the end of a punch.” And when Rogan asked why a guy like him needed to take a pill like that, Jones said, “I have a huge cock, Joe.”

The video is below.

I don’t really get how that makes sense, but I’m not a doctor or a pharmacist and also presumably have a smaller dick than Jones. So I can’t relate. Maybe since a bigger D requires more blood to get it hard, it needs a little blood flow catalyst on occasion? This is getting weird.

I honestly just think Jones was looking for an excuse to tell the world about his big penis, so he jumped on the opportunity.

  1. FratrickBateman1302

    I honestly just think you were looking for an excuse to write about a big penis so you jumped on the opportunity

    8 years ago at 5:07 pm
  2. thevaginator

    Yeah because Jon Jones needs to tell the worod he has a huge dick to get laid

    8 years ago at 5:11 pm
      1. stifflersmom69


        8 years ago at 10:08 pm
  3. LouFerrigno

    Anyone else remember when this site was focused on fraternity humor? Where’s fail Friday dammit. There’s enough of us tekes alone for the column

    8 years ago at 5:47 pm
  4. Ronnie Swanson

    Jon Jones is the biggest waste of talent in sports history. So talented and yet so fucking stupid.

    8 years ago at 8:54 pm
  5. bessieblair444

    until I saw the receipt that said $6460 , I did not believe …that…my mother in law woz like they say actualy earning money in their spare time from their computer. . there aunt started doing this for under thirteen months and recently cleard the depts on there mini mansion and bourt a great Aston Martin DB5 . go to this website…. +++++++++++++++++>>


    8 years ago at 9:49 pm