Jurassic World Is Racist And Disgusting

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“Jurassic World” is an epic, visually stunning film that explores themes of animal captivity and the potential consequences of challenging nature. It is also racist and disgusting.

In one scene, a Pachycephalosaurus breaks out of its cage, prompting a character to shout, “The Pachys are out of containment!” which many found to be an insensitive racial slur towards Pakistani people. Several media outlets, including the Independent and the Daily Dot, called it “unintentional racism.”

But they are dead wrong. It was entirely intentional.

Wake up, sheeple. This is the handiwork of a government-controlled Hollywood attempting to subconsciously persuade us against Pakistani immigration.

These people get it:

Other ways “Jurassic World” is offensive:

• The vegetarian dinosaurs are portrayed as weak and inferior to the meat eaters.
• The lead female is forced to choose a man and two children over her career.
• Not once does the film entertain the notion of same-sex relations between the dinosaurs.
• The first dinosaur to die is dark-skinned.

For shame, Spielberg.

[via The Independent]

Image via YouTube

  1. lca_94

    Even though this is clearly satire, if it would have been on Buzzfeed or some other bullshit website, they would have the same message, except they would have been completely serious.

    10 years ago at 2:23 pm
  2. The Duke of Fraternities

    this article is stupid. people care and read too much into little things. this a fucking movie about dinosaurs, its an all time classic franchise, stop caring so much, its a movie..

    10 years ago at 2:31 pm
  3. SperryHairy

    The entire time I was watching it, I kept saying to myself, “This is liberal propaganda.” What with the anti-corporate, anti-capitalism theme and all.

    10 years ago at 4:35 pm
  4. Uncle_Ronnie

    “In other news, TFM writer ‘Boosh’ has left to write for Jessabelle. The democratic party has praised his bravery for standing up to the racist and sexist motives that fraternity lifestyles promote.”
    Rachel Maddow, MSNB

    10 years ago at 5:28 pm
  5. jurassicworld3

    Wild Tyrannosaurus Rex’s strictly engaged in heterosexual activities, meaning that wild T-Rex’s only mated with the opposite sex.

    10 years ago at 7:53 pm
    1. DinoExpertOG

      That’s true for WILD tyrannosaurus Rexs ONLY, DOMESTIC T Rex commonly experimented with the same sex…another classic Hollywood flub

      10 years ago at 7:57 pm
  6. AFSkeeter

    Did the Pakis hide the evil dinosaur in their containment and then play it off like they had no idea when they were found out?

    10 years ago at 8:35 pm