The Fat SJW At Kansas Is Back Again, Freaks Out About White Privilege And Republicans


Do you guys remember the rather large SJW who freaked out at Kansas? If you don’t, she was essentially just mad at every white person that ever existed. In a crazy turn of events, she’s still mad at white people and republicans in general. She gathered her closest SJW friends and went to another Young America’s Foundation meeting to continue dropping her “well-thought out” arguments.

A few talking points from this.

Big girl here says something about the constitution being written while she was a slave. Shit, where is the fountain of youth that she’s drinking from? Medical researchers could use that right now to solve the aging process. Only bad part is despite being over 229 years old, she’s still in college. Guess that’s what makes her an unintelligent SJW.

Second, she tells them to leave the school because college is a very liberal place. America would be fucked if every republican didn’t go to college and let these special folk get educations in arts and whatever useless shit they are studying in. Really her argument is counterintuitive because she’s telling them that if someone doesn’t like their view, they should leave. Therefore, since she doesn’t like the YAF’s view, she should leave.

Maybe it’s time we just close down colleges altogether. Those who want to learn and be a good influence on society can do so at a high cost. Those who don’t can be left to fend for themselves in some rural island where they can worry about their feelings.

[via The College Fix]

  1. LazyRican

    Really, apart from Buzzfeed and Hufpost, were do these guys work(if they even work) after they graduate?

    8 years ago at 7:36 pm
  2. FratCop911

    I’d say to roll her big ass in flour to find the wet spot, but I’m afraid there’d be to many to choose from

    8 years ago at 8:02 pm
  3. Jcannon

    I pray that God will spare me from ever having someone attempt to have a tirade like this in my face and by proxy ending my academic career and possibly my freedom as a citizen.

    8 years ago at 10:43 pm
  4. TooBusyYachting

    new drinking game: Every time a SJW screams White/CIS/male priviledge/slavery (or any form of the word slave)/oppression/ect. you take a shot.

    8 years ago at 11:22 pm
  5. ImHereForTheGangbang

    “When the constitution was written, I was a slave.”

    You were never a slave, bitch. Slavery was outlawed 150 years ago. You never experienced slavery. Your parents never experienced slavery. THEIR parents never experienced slavery. You are at least six generations removed from anyone who ever actually experienced the institution of slavery, so stop talking about it in the first person like it’s something you actually understand on an individual level.

    8 years ago at 11:48 pm
  6. nolenation44

    why not just give them what they want? They’re going to call you a racist no matter what so why not make them mad by dropping a racial slur here and there? Let these fuckers have it.

    8 years ago at 2:38 pm