Google Street View caught sorostitutes taking the Walk of Shame away from our house. TFM.

  1. AlphaTauBromega

    I think we are all missing the bigger picture here. These men did big things all night long, and the aftermath is on Google images. It’s a damn beautiful thing.

    Ru Rah Rega!

    14 years ago at 12:34 pm
  2. Rock Chalk Frat

    k-state is a disgrace to kansas. Their houses are hand-me-down buildings (ATO is an old motel 6 I believe?) and I don’t think they know what a polo looks like. Also, I have been told this is the “best” house at k-state. ha sad. KU>K-state

    14 years ago at 10:24 am
    1. Balanced Man

      really? Sig Nu, Beta, and Sigma Chi all have super nice houses. Lawrence has a bunch of fucking liberals, so go kill yourself geed.

      14 years ago at 12:13 am
    2. KAXO

      Are you fucking Kidding me? ATO is not the “best” house, not bottom tier, but not top either. And pretty sure everyone here knows what a polo looks like. That’s funny though. Lawrence is one if not THE most liberal city in Kansas. Take a bath hippies.

      13 years ago at 1:59 pm

    ATO has a shitty house but that doesn’t mean greek at k-state is poor. just that house. supposibly, they’re getting a new house located right behind them. KU sucks and all these KU fans can join an afirmative action and be more liberal.

    14 years ago at 5:50 pm
  4. The James FRATterson

    Our house is in pretty poor shape from forty years of raging. The new Chapter house starts construction this summer. Perhaps the architecture of the current house was in poor taste, but it takes more than four walls to make a home. In any case, if you’d rather take shots than talk Wright, shut the fuck up and hit up a party at ATO.

    14 years ago at 3:05 pm
  5. Fratville Tennessee

    Shittiest house I’ve ever seen, but it’s ATO so I shouldn’t be surprised.

    13 years ago at 5:23 pm